


MicroPython utility library around ucryptolib.aes

What is this?

The ucryptolib MicroPython module provides an aes class that is capable of doing AES encryption. mpyaes provides an implementation of PKCS7 padding and other facilities around ucryptolib.aes.



Key and IV generation

Keys and IVs are generated by mpyaes.generate_key(x[, seed]) and mpyaes.generate_IV(x[, seed]). mpyaes.generate_IV is an alias of mpyaes.generate_key. The only mandatory argument to mpyaes.generate_key is either the size in bytes of the key to be generated, or a bytes-like object which will be filled with the pseudorandom data. seed is optional, but if supplied will result in urandom.seed(seed) being executed.

>>> import mpyaes
>>> key = mpyaes.generate_key(32)
>>> key
>>> IV = mpyaes.generate_IV(16)
>>> IV

With a buffer and seed value:

>>> key2 = bytearray(32)
>>> seed = 110011
>>> mpyaes.generate_key(key2, seed)
>>> key2

Cipher object creation

Cipher objects are created using mpyaes.new(key, mode[, IV]). Note that keys and IVs are consumed once used to instantiate a cipher object, so save them to variables for sharing (as done in the previous section). Alternatively, if communicating with a device that implements the Yasmarang PRNG, you could use and save a seed.

>>> aes = mpyaes.new(key, mpyaes.MODE_CBC, IV)
>>> aes
<AES 256-bit CBC>


Padding of plaintexts is carried out by mpyaes.PKCS7.pad and similarly verified by mpyaes.PKCS7.verify with every call for encryption and decryption. Note that decrypted ciphertexts are stripped of their padding.

>>> message = bytearray("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HHlclssEP4")
>>> aes.encrypt(message)                # in place
>>> message
>>> message = aes.decrypt(message)      # zero-copy
>>> message
>>> message = "This is an example string."          # alternatively b'This is an example bytes.'
>>> message = aes.encrypt(message)                  # mpyaes.AES.encrypt([bytes, str]) returns a bytearray
>>> message
>>> message = aes.decrypt(message)                  # zero-copy
>>> message
bytearray(b'This is an example string.')
>>> aes.encrypt_file('to_encrypt.txt', 'out.enc')   # mpyaes.AES.encrypt_file(input_file, output_file)
>>> aes.decrypt_file('out.enc', 'challenger.txt')   # mpyaes.AES.decrypt_file(input_file, output_file)
>>> with open('to_encrypt.txt', 'rb') as f, open('challenger.txt', 'rb') as g:
...     assert f.read() == g.read()
