A widget for Wagtail's admin that allows you to create and select related items.
Features and screenshots
Customizable widget display
By default, widgets appear similar to other Wagtail elements, but they can be customised to include images and other items.
Item selection reuses the admin's list views to ensure consistent UIs with filtering.
Inline creation
Items can be created within the selection widget.
After creation, items can be selected from the success message or from the list view.
pip install wagtail-instance-selector
and add 'instance_selector'
If you're using Django 3+, you will need to change Django's iframe security flag in your settings:
Using the widget as a field panel
from django.db import models
from instance_selector.edit_handlers import InstanceSelectorPanel
class Shop(models.Model):
class Product(models.Model):
shop = models.ForeignKey(Shop, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
panels = [InstanceSelectorPanel("shop")]
Using the widget in a stream field
from django.db import models
from wagtail.admin.panels import FieldPanel
from wagtail.fields import StreamField
from instance_selector.blocks import InstanceSelectorBlock
class Product(models.Model):
class Service(models.Model):
class Shop(models.Model):
content = StreamField([
("products", InstanceSelectorBlock(target_model="test_app.Product")),
("services", InstanceSelectorBlock(target_model="test_app.Service")),
], use_json_field=True)
panels = [FieldPanel("content")]
To create reusable blocks, you can subclass InstanceSelectorBlock
from instance_selector.blocks import InstanceSelectorBlock
class ProductBlock(InstanceSelectorBlock):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
target_model = kwargs.pop("target_model", "my_app.Product")
super().__init__(target_model=target_model, **kwargs)
class Meta:
icon = "image"
# ...
("products", ProductBlock()),
Customizing the widget's display and behaviour
from wagtail.contrib.modeladmin.options import ModelAdmin, modeladmin_register
from instance_selector.registry import registry
from instance_selector.selectors import ModelAdminInstanceSelector
from .models import MyModel
class MyModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
model = MyModel
class MyModelInstanceSelector(ModelAdminInstanceSelector):
model_admin = MyModelAdmin()
def get_instance_display_title(self, instance):
if instance:
return "some title"
def get_instance_display_image_url(self, instance):
if instance:
return "/url/to/some/image.jpg"
def get_instance_display_image_styles(self, instance):
# The `style` properties set on the <img> element, primarily of use
# to work within style+layout patterns
if instance:
return {
'max-width': '165px',
# ...
def get_instance_display_markup(self, instance):
# Overriding this method allows you to completely control how the
# widget will display the relation to this specific model
return "<div> ... </div>"
def get_instance_display_template(self):
# The template used by `get_instance_display_markup`
return "instance_selector/instance_selector_widget_display.html"
def get_instance_selector_url(self):
# The url that the widget will render within a modal. By default, this
# is the ModelAdmin"s list view
return "/url/to/some/view/"
def get_instance_edit_url(self, instance):
# The url that the user can edit the instance on. By default, this is
# the ModelAdmin"s edit view
if instance:
return "/url/to/some/view/"
registry.register_instance_selector(MyModel, MyModelInstanceSelector())
Note that the ModelAdminInstanceSelector
is designed for the common case. If your needs
are more specific, you may find some use in instance_selector.selectors.BaseInstanceSelector
Rationale & Credits
Largely, this is a rewrite of neon-jungle/wagtailmodelchooser
that focuses on reusing the functionality in the ModelAdmins. We had started a large build using wagtailmodelchooser
heavily, but quickly ran into UI problems when users needed to filter the objects or create them inline. After
neon-jungle/wagtailmodelchooser#11 received little
response, the decision was made to piece together parts from the ecosystem and replicate the flexibility of
django's raw_id_fields
, while preserving the polish in Wagtail's UI.
Much of this library was built atop of the work of others, specifically:
Development notes
Run tests
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
black .