


A self-containing sortable table component with inline edit option.

Allows CRUD-operations for Object-Arrays.

Try out live example:

Published on webcomponents.org


npm install svelte-generic-crud-table --save-dev

Usage - table_config

Use the svelte-generic-crud-table in your component to show and, if you like, edit, update and delete it's content. Just include the table as seen in the example below.


This is used as id for the component.


The events contain the element from the crud-table with the table-id and eventually made changes to the element. Additionally the original element with all it's hidden fields -> column_setting:show true/false.

As webcomponent use event.target. As Svelte-Component use event.detail to fetch the data.

Have a look inside event.target.body / event.detail.body to see original element.

column setting

All fields are optional.

Settings regarding a column behaviour can be specified in the table_config. Only wanted keys of your source array have to be mapped by columns_settings name. All other attributes are optional.

    const table_config = {
        name: 'Awesome',
        options: ['CREATE', 'EDIT', 'DELETE', 'DETAILS'],
        columns_setting: [
            {name: 'id', show: false, edit: true, width: '0px'},
            {name: 'job', displayName: 'Top-Jobs', show: true, edit: true, width: '150px', description: 'The job'},
            {name: 'name', displayName: 'Account-ID', show: true, edit: true, width: '150px', tooltip: true},
            {name: 'private', show: true, edit: false, width: '200px', description: 'your things', tooltip: true},
            {name: 'html', show: true, edit: true, width: '500px', type: 'html', description: 'You can use HTML', tooltip: true}
        details_text: 'detail'   // replace the standard icon with an text-link


You can replace the icon for "DETAILS" by a text. Perhaps you like to specify the acvtion behind the button more concrete.

See example:


    <meta charset='utf-8'>
    <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width,initial-scale=1'>
    <title>Generic Crud Table</title>
    <link rel='icon' type='image/png' href='favicon.png'>
    <script defer src='https://ivosdc.github.io/svelte-generic-crud-table/build/crud-table.js'></script>

<script src='https://ivosdc.github.io/svelte-generic-crud-table/test-data.js'></script>
<script src='https://ivosdc.github.io/svelte-generic-crud-table/crud-table-config-html.js'></script>

Svelte-Component - implementation example:

    import SvelteGenericCrudTable from "svelte-generic-crud-table";
    import {onMount} from 'svelte';
    import {goto} from "@sapper/app";

    let myData = [];


    function reload() {
        get().then( (result) => {
                myData = result;

    function handleCreate(event) {
        post({name: "new entry"}).then(() => {

    function handleDelete(event) {
        delete(event.detail.body.id).then(() => {

    function handleUpdate(event) {
        update(event.detail.body.id, event.detail.body)
                .then(() => {

    function handleDetail(event) {
        goto('/project/' + event.detail.body.id);

    const table_config = {
        name: 'Awesome',
        options: ['CREATE', 'EDIT', 'DELETE', 'DETAILS'],
        columns_setting: [
            {name: 'id', show: false, edit: true, width: '200px'},
            {name: 'job', show: true, edit: true, width: '100px', description: 'Your Job'},
            {name: 'name', show: true, edit: true, width: '200px', tooltip: true},
            {name: 'private', show: true, edit: false, width: '200px', description: 'Your things'},
            {name: 'html', show: true, edit: true, size: '200px', type: 'html', tooltip: true}
        details_text: 'detail'   // replace the standard icon with an text-link


    <SvelteGenericCrudTable on:delete={handleDelete}

I recommend for Svelte-Users the direct import of the component source "svelte-generic-crud-table/src/SvelteGenericCrudTable.svelte".

// import SvelteGenericCrudTable from "svelte-generic-crud-table";
import SvelteGenericCrudTable from "svelte-generic-crud-table/src/SvelteGenericCrudTable.svelte";