


A simple API over opentype.js for Clojure. Runs on the JVM.


Add [opentype-clj ""] to your dependency vector.


(use 'opentype-clj.core)

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      "Hello, World!" ; the text
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285.66 121.22L285.66 121.22L285.66 121.22Q284.41 122.05 283.68 123.44L283.68 123.44L283.68 123.44Q282.94 124.83 282.62 126.69L282.62 126.69L282.62 126.69Q282.30 128.55 282.30 130.63L282.30 130.63ZM335.60 111.68L335.39 122.68L335.39 122.68Q335.04 122.65 334.53 122.60L334.53 122.60L334.53 122.60Q334.02 122.54 333.47 122.51L333.47 122.51L333.47 122.51Q332.93 122.47 332.40 122.44L332.40 122.44L332.40 122.44Q331.88 122.40 331.49 122.40L331.49 122.40L331.49 122.40Q328.64 122.40 326.88 123.26L326.88 123.26L326.88 123.26Q325.13 124.13 324.32 125.92L324.32 125.92L324.32 150L312.47 150L312.47 111.96L323.58 111.96L323.96 116.85L323.96 116.85Q325.37 114.21 327.46 112.73L327.46 112.73L327.46 112.73Q329.55 111.26 332.30 111.26L332.30 111.26L332.30 111.26Q333.18 111.26 334.04 111.36L334.04 111.36L334.04 111.36Q334.90 111.47 335.60 111.68L335.60 111.68ZM352.16 96L352.16 150L340.28 150L340.28 96L352.16 96ZM357.96 131.44L357.96 130.70L357.96 130.70Q357.96 126.38 358.91 122.79L358.91 122.79L358.91 122.79Q359.86 119.20 361.72 116.64L361.72 116.64L361.72 116.64Q363.59 114.07 366.35 112.66L366.35 112.66L366.35 112.66Q369.11 111.26 372.76 111.26L372.76 111.26L372.76 111.26Q375.47 111.26 377.58 112.31L377.58 112.31L377.58 112.31Q379.69 113.37 381.34 115.27L381.34 115.27L381.34 96L393.22 96L393.22 150L382.57 150L381.97 145.92L381.97 145.92Q380.29 148.14 378 149.42L378 149.42L378 149.42Q375.71 150.70 372.69 150.70L372.69 150.70L372.69 150.70Q369.07 150.70 366.33 149.24L366.33 149.24L366.33 149.24Q363.59 147.79 361.72 145.22L361.72 145.22L361.72 145.22Q359.86 142.65 358.91 139.12L358.91 139.12L358.91 139.12Q357.96 135.59 357.96 131.44L357.96 131.44ZM369.81 130.70L369.81 131.44L369.81 131.44Q369.81 133.58 370.09 135.43L370.09 135.43L370.09 135.43Q370.37 137.27 371.06 138.64L371.06 138.64L371.06 138.64Q371.74 140.02 372.88 140.79L372.88 140.79L372.88 140.79Q374.03 141.56 375.71 141.56L375.71 141.56L375.71 141.56Q377.72 141.56 379.13 140.70L379.13 140.70L379.13 140.70Q380.53 139.84 381.34 138.26L381.34 138.26L381.34 123.77L381.34 123.77Q379.72 120.40 375.79 120.40L375.79 120.40L375.79 120.40Q374.13 120.40 372.99 121.17L372.99 121.17L372.99 121.17Q371.85 121.95 371.14 123.33L371.14 123.33L371.14 123.33Q370.44 124.72 370.13 126.60L370.13 126.60L370.13 126.60Q369.81 128.48 369.81 130.70L369.81 130.70ZM413.23 98.81L411.71 133.79L402.12 133.79L400.61 98.81L413.23 98.81ZM400.25 144.69L400.25 144.69L400.25 144.69Q400.25 143.43 400.73 142.34L400.73 142.34L400.73 142.34Q401.20 141.25 402.08 140.46L402.08 140.46L402.08 140.46Q402.96 139.66 404.16 139.21L404.16 139.21L404.16 139.21Q405.35 138.75 406.83 138.75L406.83 138.75L406.83 138.75Q408.30 138.75 409.50 139.21L409.50 139.21L409.50 139.21Q410.70 139.66 411.57 140.46L411.57 140.46L411.57 140.46Q412.45 141.25 412.93 142.34L412.93 142.34L412.93 142.34Q413.40 143.43 413.40 144.69L413.40 144.69L413.40 144.69Q413.40 145.96 412.93 147.05L412.93 147.05L412.93 147.05Q412.45 148.14 411.57 148.93L411.57 148.93L411.57 148.93Q410.70 149.72 409.50 150.18L409.50 150.18L409.50 150.18Q408.30 150.63 406.83 150.63L406.83 150.63L406.83 150.63Q405.35 150.63 404.16 150.18L404.16 150.18L404.16 150.18Q402.96 149.72 402.08 148.93L402.08 148.93L402.08 148.93Q401.20 148.14 400.73 147.05L400.73 147.05L400.73 147.05Q400.25 145.96 400.25 144.69Z"

(text->bounding-box "Roboto Black" "Hello, World!" 0 150 72)
=> {:x1 3.8671875, :y1 96.0, :x2 413.40234375, :y2 163.78125}

(font "Roboto Black")
=> #opentype_clj.wrapper.Font{:name "Roboto Black",
                              :resource "fonts/Roboto-Black.ttf", ; actual resource used to load this font
                              :units-per-em 2048,
                              :ascender 1900,
                              :descender -500,
                              :font-obj #object[opentype_clj.bootstrap$load_font_stream$fn__15394$fn__15395

; a slightly more complex example:
(let [txt (text "Roboto Black" "Hello, World!" 10 100 72)
      svg (str "<svg width='450' height='150' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'>\n"
               "<path fill='black' stroke='none' d='" (:path-data txt) "' />\n"
               "<path fill='none' stroke='red' d='" (bounding-box->path-data (:bounding-box txt)) "' />\n"
  (spit "bounding-box.svg" svg))
; will produce the image below:


Determining font resource from a string

Most functions in opentype-clj.core takes a string font name as an input parameter. This string is matched to a file or classpath resource by trying font name.[|ttf|woff|otf] as well as font-name.[|ttf|woff|otf]. So for example Roboto Black will have the following resource candidates:

(use 'opentype-clj.font-cache)

(font-name->resource-candidates "Roboto Black")
=> ["Roboto Black" "Roboto Black.ttf" "Roboto Black.woff" "Roboto Black.otf" "fonts/Roboto Black.ttf" 
    "fonts/Roboto Black.woff" "fonts/Roboto Black.otf" "Roboto-Black" "Roboto-Black.ttf" "Roboto-Black.woff"
    "Roboto-Black.otf" "fonts/Roboto-Black.ttf" "fonts/Roboto-Black.woff" "fonts/Roboto-Black.otf"]

The first successful match will be used. In the case of this project, Roboto Black will ultimately resolve to fonts/Roboto-Black.ttf.


Uses opentype.js v0.8.0.

Loading a font is somewhat expensive (about 250 ms on my machine), so they are cached by the library.


Original license from opentype.js:

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2017 Frederik De Bleser

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Please also see AUTHORS of opentype.js.

Copyright © 2018 Ivar Refsdal

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.