


This library was developed targeting Arduino applications. However, works just great with any C++.

Implementing a buffer for objects takes time. If we are not in the mood, we just create an array[1000] with enough size.

The objective of this library is to create a pattern for projects. If you need to use a List of: int, float, objects, Lists or Wales. This is what you are looking for.

With a simple but powerful caching algorithm, you can get subsequent objects much faster than usual. Tested without any problems with Lists bigger than 2000 members.


  1. Download the Latest release from gitHub.
  2. Unzip and modify the Folder name to "LinkedList" (Remove the '-version')
  3. Paste the modified folder on your Library folder (On your Libraries folder inside Sketchbooks or Arduino software).
  4. Reopen the Arduino software.

If you are here, because another Library requires this class, just don't waste time reading bellow. Install and ready.


cd to this directory and run g++ -std=c++14 extras/test/tests.cpp -o tests && ./tests

Getting started

The LinkedList class

In case you don't know what a LinkedList is and what it's used for, take a quick look at Wikipedia::LinkedList before continuing.

To declare a LinkedList object

// Instantiate a LinkedList that will hold 'integer'
LinkedList<int> myLinkedList = LinkedList<int>();

// Or just this
LinkedList<int> myLinkedList;

// But if you are instantiating a pointer LinkedList...
LinkedList<int> *myLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>();

// If you want a LinkedList with any other type such as 'MyClass'
// Make sure you call delete(MyClass) when you remove!
LinkedList<MyClass> *myLinkedList = new LinkedList<MyClass>();

Getting the size of the linked list

// To get the size of a linked list, make use of the size() method
int theSize = myList.size();

// Notice that if it's pointer to the linked list, you should use -> instead
int theSize = myList->size();

Adding elements

// add(obj) method will insert at the END of the list

// add(index, obj) method will try to insert the object at the specified index
myList.add(0, myObject); // Add at the beginning
myList.add(3, myObject); // Add at index 3

// unshift(obj) method will insert the object at the beginning

Getting elements

// get(index) will return the element at index
// (notice that the start element is 0, not 1)

// Get the FIRST element
myObject = myList.get(0);

// Get the third element
myObject = myList.get(2);

// Get the LAST element
myObject = myList.get(myList.size() - 1);

Changing elements

// set(index, obj) method will change the object at index to obj

// Change the first element to myObject
myList.set(0, myObject);

// Change the third element to myObject
myList.set(2, myObject);

// Change the LAST element of the list
myList.set(myList.size() - 1, myObject);

Deleting elements

// remove(index) will remove and return the element at index

// Remove the first object

// Get and Delete the third element
myDeletedObject = myList.remove(2);

// pop() will remove and return the LAST element
myDeletedObject = myList.pop();

// shift() will remove and return the FIRST element
myDeletedObject = myList.shift();

// clear() will erase the entire list, leaving it with 0 elements
// NOTE: Clear wont DELETE/FREE memory from Pointers, if you
// are using Classes/Poiners, manualy delete and free those.

Sorting elements

// Sort using a comparator function

Library Reference

ListNode struct

LinkedList class

boolean methods returns if succeeded

Version History
