

Property Lister

Extract and convert property list files from SQLite database files and from other property list files.

Tested on Kali Linux v2024.2 (64-bit).

Made for educational purposes. I hope it will help!

Table of Contents

How to Install

Install plistutil

On Kali Linux, run:

apt-get -y install plistutil

Windows OS is not supported.

On macOS, run:

brew install libplist

Standard Install

pip3 install --upgrade property-lister

Build and Install From the Source

git clone https://github.com/ivan-sincek/property-lister && cd property-lister

python3 -m pip install --upgrade build

python3 -m build

python3 -m pip install dist/property_lister-3.1-py3-none-any.whl

Extracting and Converting

Extract and convert property list files inside Cache.db unencrypted SQLite database file:

scp root@ ./

property-lister -db Cache.db -o results_db

Extract and convert property list files inside an IPA:

unzip someapp.ipa

property-lister -db Payload -o results_db

property-lister -pl Payload -o results_pl

Repeat the same for the app specific directories.

Check my other project on how to search for files and on how to extract sensitive data from the files.


Property Lister v3.1 ( github.com/ivan-sincek/property-lister )

--- Extract from an SQLite database file ---
Usage:   property-lister -db database -o out
Example: property-lister -db Cache.db -o results_db

--- Extract from a property list file ---
Usage:   property-lister -pl property-list -o out
Example: property-lister -pl Info.plist    -o results_pl

    Extract and convert property list files
    SQLite database file, or directory containing multiple files
    -db, --database = Cache.db | databases | etc.
    Property list file, or directory containing multiple files
    -pl, --property-list = Info.plist | plists | etc.
    Output directory
    All extracted propery list files will be saved in this directory
    -o, --out = results | etc.
    Preserve the directory structure within the output directory
    -ds, --directory-structure


<p align="center"><img src="https://github.com/ivan-sincek/property-lister/blob/main/img/extraction.png" alt="Extraction"></p> <p align="center">Figure 1 - Extraction</p>