

Position-Aware Self-Attention for Relation Extraction

WORK IN PROGRESS! Ideas, bug-fixes and constructive criticism are all welcome.

This project is the result of my Master's Thesis (supervised by Dr. Benjamin Roth):

"Relation extraction using deep neural networks and self-attention"
The Center for Information and Language Processing (CIS)
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Ivan Bilan

The pre-print is available on arXiv (in collaboration with Dr. Benjamin Roth):


Related presentation from PyData Berlin 2018:

Understanding and Applying Self-Attention for NLP - Ivan Bilan


How to setup

1. Python Environment

To automatically create a conda environment (using Anaconda3) with Python 3.7 and Pytorch 1.0dev, run the following command:

make build_venv

Note: you have to have CUDA installed already before creating the environment.

2. Dataset

The TACRED dataset used for evaluation is currently not publicly available. Follow the original authors' GitHub page for more updates: https://github.com/yuhaozhang/tacred-relation

On this page a sample dataset is available at: https://github.com/yuhaozhang/tacred-relation/tree/master/dataset/tacred

For this implementation, we use the JSON format of the dataset which can be generated with the JSON generations script included in the dataset.

3. Vocabulary preparation

First, download and unzip GloVe vectors from the Stanford website, with:

chmod +x download.sh; ./download.sh

Then prepare vocabulary and initial word vectors with:

python prepare_vocab.py dataset/tacred dataset/vocab --glove_dir dataset/glove

This will write vocabulary and word vectors as a numpy matrix into the dir dataset/vocab.

Project Usage

1. Training

Train our final model with:

python runner.py --data_dir dataset/tacred --vocab_dir dataset/vocab --id 00 
--info "Position-aware attention model with self-attention encoder"

Use --topn N to fine-tune the top N word vectors only. The script will do the preprocessing automatically (word dropout, entity masking, etc.).

To train a self-attention encoder model only use:

python runner.py --data_dir dataset/tacred --vocab_dir dataset/vocab --no-attn --id 01 --info "self-attention model"

To combine a self-attention encoder model, LSTM and position-aware layer use:

python runner.py --data_dir dataset/tacred --vocab_dir dataset/vocab --self_att_and_rnn --id 01 --info "combined model"

To train the LSTM only baseline mode, use:

python runner.py --data_dir dataset/tacred --vocab_dir dataset/vocab --no_self_att --no-attn --id 01 --info "baseline model"

To use absolute positional encodings in self-attention instead of relative ones, use:

python runner.py --data_dir dataset/tacred --vocab_dir dataset/vocab --no_diagonal_positional_attention --id 01 
--info "no relative pos encodings"

Model checkpoints and logs will be saved to ./saved_models/00.

2. Evaluation

Run evaluation on the test set with:

python eval.py --model_dir saved_models/00

This will use the best_model.pt by default. Use --model checkpoint_epoch_10.pt to specify a model checkpoint file. Add --out saved_models/out/test1.pkl to write model probability output to files (for ensemble, etc.). In our evaluation runs, we always evaluate the last epoch checkpoint, namely --model checkpoint_epoch_60.pt using:

python eval.py --model_dir saved_models/00 --model checkpoint_epoch_60.pt

3. Ensemble Training

In order to run the ensembled model use:

bash ensemble.sh

Best results

Results comparison on evaluation set (single model):

Evaluation MetricOur approachZhang et al. 2017
Precision (micro)65.4%65.7%
Recall (micro)68.0%64.5%
F1 (micro)66.7%65.1%

Per-relation statistics (single model):

org:alternate_names                  P:  74.78%  R:  80.75%  F1:  77.65%  #: 213
org:city_of_headquarters             P:  71.59%  R:  76.83%  F1:  74.12%  #: 82
org:country_of_headquarters          P:  55.70%  R:  40.74%  F1:  47.06%  #: 108
org:dissolved                        P: 100.00%  R:   0.00%  F1:   0.00%  #: 2
org:founded                          P:  84.21%  R:  86.49%  F1:  85.33%  #: 37
org:founded_by                       P:  72.22%  R:  38.24%  F1:  50.00%  #: 68
org:member_of                        P: 100.00%  R:   0.00%  F1:   0.00%  #: 18
org:members                          P:   0.00%  R:   0.00%  F1:   0.00%  #: 31
org:number_of_employees/members      P:  65.22%  R:  78.95%  F1:  71.43%  #: 19
org:parents                          P:  40.00%  R:  19.35%  F1:  26.09%  #: 62
org:political/religious_affiliation  P:  25.81%  R:  80.00%  F1:  39.02%  #: 10
org:shareholders                     P:  75.00%  R:  23.08%  F1:  35.29%  #: 13
org:stateorprovince_of_headquarters  P:  64.18%  R:  84.31%  F1:  72.88%  #: 51
org:subsidiaries                     P:  55.17%  R:  36.36%  F1:  43.84%  #: 44
org:top_members/employees            P:  66.44%  R:  84.68%  F1:  74.46%  #: 346
org:website                          P:  53.33%  R:  92.31%  F1:  67.61%  #: 26
per:age                              P:  78.06%  R:  92.50%  F1:  84.67%  #: 200
per:alternate_names                  P:   0.00%  R:   0.00%  F1:   0.00%  #: 11
per:cause_of_death                   P:  63.64%  R:  40.38%  F1:  49.41%  #: 52
per:charges                          P:  66.91%  R:  90.29%  F1:  76.86%  #: 103
per:children                         P:  38.30%  R:  48.65%  F1:  42.86%  #: 37
per:cities_of_residence              P:  52.91%  R:  62.43%  F1:  57.28%  #: 189
per:city_of_birth                    P:  50.00%  R:  20.00%  F1:  28.57%  #: 5
per:city_of_death                    P: 100.00%  R:  21.43%  F1:  35.29%  #: 28
per:countries_of_residence           P:  50.00%  R:  55.41%  F1:  52.56%  #: 148
per:country_of_birth                 P: 100.00%  R:   0.00%  F1:   0.00%  #: 5
per:country_of_death                 P: 100.00%  R:   0.00%  F1:   0.00%  #: 9
per:date_of_birth                    P:  77.78%  R:  77.78%  F1:  77.78%  #: 9
per:date_of_death                    P:  62.16%  R:  42.59%  F1:  50.55%  #: 54
per:employee_of                      P:  64.34%  R:  69.70%  F1:  66.91%  #: 264
per:origin                           P:  68.81%  R:  56.82%  F1:  62.24%  #: 132
per:other_family                     P:  59.09%  R:  43.33%  F1:  50.00%  #: 60
per:parents                          P:  58.82%  R:  56.82%  F1:  57.80%  #: 88
per:religion                         P:  44.16%  R:  72.34%  F1:  54.84%  #: 47
per:schools_attended                 P:  64.29%  R:  60.00%  F1:  62.07%  #: 30
per:siblings                         P:  61.29%  R:  69.09%  F1:  64.96%  #: 55
per:spouse                           P:  56.58%  R:  65.15%  F1:  60.56%  #: 66
per:stateorprovince_of_birth         P:  40.00%  R:  50.00%  F1:  44.44%  #: 8
per:stateorprovince_of_death         P:  80.00%  R:  28.57%  F1:  42.11%  #: 14
per:stateorprovinces_of_residence    P:  65.28%  R:  58.02%  F1:  61.44%  #: 81
per:title                            P:  77.13%  R:  87.00%  F1:  81.77%  #: 500

If you can't replicate the results on the master branch, run pytorch_0_4_1_wip_version_2 using PyTorch 0.4.1.

Overview of Available Hyperparameters

General Hyperparameters
Argument NameDefault ValueDescription
--emb_dim300Word embeddings dimension size
--word_dropout0.06The rate at which we randomly set a word to UNK
--lower / --no-lowerTrueLowercase all words
--weight_no_rel1.0Weight for no_relation class
--weight_rest1.0Weight for other classes but no_relation
--lr0.1Learning rate (Applies to SGD and Adagrad only)
--lr_decay0.9Learning rate decay
--decay_epoch15Start learning rate decay from given epoch
--max_grad_norm1.0Gradient clipping value
--optimsgdOptimizer, available options: sgd, asgd, adagrad, adam, nadam, noopt_adam, openai_adam, adamax
--num_epoch70Number of epochs
--batch_size50Batch size
--topn1e10Only fine-tune top N embeddings
--log_step400Print log every k steps
--loglogs.txtWrite training log to specified file
--save_epoch1Save model checkpoints every k epochs
--save_dir./saved_modelsRoot dir for saving models
Position-aware Attention Layer
--ner_dim30NER embedding dimension
--pos_dim30POS embedding dimension
--pe_dim30Position encoding dimension in the attention layer
--attn_dim200Attention size in the attention layer
--query_size_attn360Embedding for query size in the positional attention
--attn / --no-attnTrueUse the position-aware attention layer
Position-aware Attention LSTM Layer
--hidden_dim360LSTM hidden state size
--num_layers2Number of LSTM layers
--lstm_dropout0.5LSTM dropout rate
--self_att_and_rnn / --no_self_att_and_rnnFalseUse LSTM layer with the Self-attention layer
--num_layers_encoder1Number of self-attention encoders
--n_head3Number of self-attention heads
--dropout0.4Input and attention dropout rate
--hidden_self130Encoder layer width
--scaled_dropout0.1ScaledDotProduct Attention dropout
--temper_value0.5Temper value for ScaledDotProduct Attention
--use_batch_normTrueUse BatchNorm in Self-attention
--use_layer_normFalseUse LayerNorm in Self-attention
--new_residualTrueUse a different residual connection structure than in the original Self-attention
--old_residualFalseUse the original residual connections in Self-attention
--obj_sub_posTrueIn self-attention add object and subject positional vectors
--relative_positions / --no_relative_positionsTrueBin the relative positional encodings
--diagonal_positional_attention / --no_diagonal_positional_attentionTrueUse relative positional encodings as described in our paper
--self-attn / --no_self_attTrueUse the Self-attention encoder
Lemmatize input
--use_lemmas / no_lemmasFalseInstead of raw text, use spaCy to lemmatize the sentences
--preload_lemmas / --no_preload_lemmasFalsePreload lemmatized input as pickles

Attention Example

Sample Sentence from TACRED:

They cited the case of Agency for International Development (OBJECT) subcontractor Alan Gross (SUBJECT), who was working in Cuba on a tourist visa and possessed satellite communications equipment, who has been held in a maximum security prison since his arrest Dec 3.

Attention distribution for the preposition of in the sentence above: Attention Distribution


The self-attention implementation in this project is mostly taken from (all modifications are explained in the paper linked above): Attention is all you need: A Pytorch Implementation (Related code licensed under MIT License).

The original TACRED implementation is used as a base of this implementation (all modifications are explained in the paper linked above): Position-aware Attention RNN Model for Relation Extraction (Related code licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0).


All original code in this project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the included LICENSE file.