


A faithful, nearly 1:1 clone of the video game classic Flappy Bird!

[!CAUTION] I, do not, IN ANY WAY, claim I'm the original creator of this game! <br> I've merely recreated a hood classic. <br> All credit goes to .Gears Studio!


Instructions on installing the game.

Using releases page (Recommended)

Click on the Releases page! <br> Once there, simply click on your OS's Release!

[!TIP] For Linux based distributions, you can run setup.sh to create a desktop entry!

Compiling yourself (Advanced)

If you do not wish to use the release pages, you can also compile the game yourself.


To compile the game you require a few apps; git, dotnet-sdk and dotnet-runtime

# Ubuntu/Fedora
sudo apt/dnf install git dotnet-sdk-8.0 dotnet-runtime-8.0

# Arch based distributions
sudo pacman -S git dotnet-sdk dotnet-runtime


Now, we can start installing the game! <br> Begin by opening your favourite terminal emulator!

git clone https://github.com/its-Lyn/Flapper
cd Flapper

All that is left now is to compile the game. For Linux systems, you can also run install.sh, it will create a desktop entry for you. <br> Run the following command to compile the game.

dotnet publish -c Release -p:PublishSingleFile=true


Uninstalling Flapper is as easy as running one command!

# If you used the Releases Page
./setup.sh --remove

# If you compiled yourself
./install.sh --remove


Flappy Bird's existence is only possible due to .Gears Studio!
