Vim plugin manager written in Haskell
The miv
is a command line tool for managing Vim plugins with a single YAML
configuration file. The motivation of this tool is
- to generate a Vim plugin loader files in Vim script
- A plugin manager written in Vim script build script code and evaluates it
on editor startup. But the executed commands do not change unless the
user's configurations do not change. Instead of building the commands on
editor startup,
generates static plugin loader scripts after plugin installation.
- A plugin manager written in Vim script build script code and evaluates it
on editor startup. But the executed commands do not change unless the
user's configurations do not change. Instead of building the commands on
editor startup,
- to provide a declarative way to manage Vim plugins
- Various loading triggers, script configurations and loading dependency can be defined.
- to provide a command line tool which is friendly to interact with other tools
- You can easily update the Vim plugins in cron schedule or from shell script.
brew install itchyny/tap/miv
Build with stack
git clone && cd miv && stack install
User guide
- Add the miv plugin path to
in your.vimrc
. - Create miv configuration file at
. (or~/.vim/.vimrc.yaml
) - Execute
miv install
Example vimrc:
filetype off
if has('vim_starting')
set rtp^=~/.vim/miv/miv
" or when you set $XDG_DATA_HOME,
" set rtp^=$XDG_DATA_HOME/miv/miv
filetype plugin indent on
Example miv configuration file (refer to .vimrc.yaml for how the author configures):
command: Align
before: |
let g:lightline = {
\ 'colorscheme': 'wombat',
\ }
mapleader: ","
command: Calendar
mapping: <Plug>(calendar)
script: |
nmap <Leader>z <Plug>(calendar)
before: |
let g:calendar_views = [ 'year', 'month', 'day_3', 'clock' ]
before: |
let g:lsp_async_completion = 1
let g:lsp_text_edit_enabled = 0
let g:lsp_signs_enabled = 0
augroup lsp_install
autocmd User lsp_buffer_enabled setlocal omnifunc=lsp#complete
augroup END
prabirshrestha/asyncomplete.vim: {}
dependon: asyncomplete
dependon: asyncomplete
after: |
call asyncomplete#register_source(asyncomplete#sources#buffer#get_source_options({
\ 'name': 'buffer',
\ 'whitelist': ['*'],
\ 'completor': function('asyncomplete#sources#buffer#completor'),
\ 'config': {
\ 'max_buffer_size': 100000,
\ },
\ }))
dependon: asyncomplete
after: |
call asyncomplete#register_source(asyncomplete#sources#file#get_source_options({
\ 'name': 'file',
\ 'whitelist': ['*'],
\ 'completor': function('asyncomplete#sources#file#completor'),
\ }))
dependon: lsp
- html
- css
before: |
let g:user_emmet_settings = { 'indentation' : ' ' }
after: |
autocmd FileType html,css imap <buffer> <tab> <plug>(emmet-expand-abbr)
filetype: json
filetype: toml
filetype: less
filetype: haml
filetype: jade
kana/vim-textobj-user: {}
dependon: textobj-user
- o
- v
- <Plug>(textobj-entire-a)
- <Plug>(textobj-entire-i)
- ie
- ae
dependon: textobj-user
- o
- v
- <Plug>(textobj-line-a)
- <Plug>(textobj-line-i)
- il
- al
before: |
let g:is_bash = 1
let g:loaded_2html_plugin = 1
let g:loaded_rrhelper = 1
after: |
let g:mapleader = ','
vim: |
setlocal foldmethod=marker
css: |
setlocal iskeyword=37,45,48-57,95,a-z,A-Z,192-255
make: |
setlocal noexpandtab
sh: |
setlocal iskeyword=36,45,48-57,64,95,a-z,A-Z,192-255
The miv
command has the following subcommands.
command | description |
install | Installs all the plugins. |
update | Updates the plugins (outdated plugins are skipped). |
update! | Updates all the plugins. |
update [plugins] | Updates the specified plugins. |
clean | Removes unused directories and files. |
generate | Generates the miv plugin files. (miv install and miv update automatically do this task) |
ftdetect | Gather ftdetect scripts. (miv install and miv update automatically do this task) |
helptags | Generates the helptags file. (miv install and miv update automatically do this task) |
list | Lists all the plugins. |
edit | Edits the miv config file. |
command | Lists the subcommands of miv . |
path [plugins] | Prints the paths of the plugins. |
each [commands] | Executes the commands each directory of the plugins. For example, you can execute miv each pwd or miv each git gc . |
help | Shows the help of miv . |
version | Shows the version of miv . |
Commands to execute when you want to
do what | command |
install a new plugin | miv edit , update the configuration file, save, exit the editor and miv install |
update the installed plugins but skip outdated plugins | miv update |
update all the installed plugins | miv update! |
update specific plugins | miv update [plugin1] [plugin2].. |
uninstall a plugin | miv edit , remove the related configurations, miv generate (and miv clean if you want) |
list all the plugins | miv list |
count the number of plugins | <code>miv list | wc -l</code> |
change the current working directory to a plugin directory | cd "$(miv path [plugin])" |
want a help | miv help |
Plugin configuration
Loading triggers for the plugin
key | type | description |
filetype | <code>string | string[]</code> | load the plugin on setting the filetype |
command | <code>string | string[]</code> | load the plugin on invoking the command |
function | <code>string | string[]</code> | load the plugin on calling a function matching the value in regex |
mapping | <code>string | string[]</code> | load the plugin on the mapping |
mapmode | <code>'n' | 'v' | 'x' | 's' | 'i' | 'c' | 'l' | 'o' | 't'</code> | specify the map-modes for the mapping configuration |
cmdline | <code>':' | '/' | '?' | '@'</code> | the command-line character to load the plugin |
insert | boolean | load the plugin on entering the insert mode for the first time |
Configurations for the plugin
key | type | description |
script | string | script run on startup, specify some configurations or mappings to load the plugin |
after | string | script run after the plugin is loaded |
before | string | script run just before the plugin is loaded |
mapleader | string | the mapleader (<Leader> ) for the script |
Dependency configurations
key | type | description |
dependon | <code>string | string[]</code> | plugins on which the plugin depends; they are loaded just before the plugin is loaded |
dependedby | <code>string | string[]</code> | (deprecated in favor of loadafter ) plugins loaded just after the plugin is loaded |
loadbefore | <code>string | string[]</code> | indicates lazy loading, the plugin is loaded just before any of the configured plugins |
loadafter | <code>string | string[]</code> | indicates lazy loading, the plugin is loaded just after any of the configured plugins |
Other miscellaneous configurations
key | type | description |
enable | string | enable the plugin when the expression (in Vim script) is truthy |
submodule | boolean | pull the submodules of the repository |
build | string | build shell script to execute after installing and updating |
sync | boolean | skip pulling the repository if the value is false |
itchyny (
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.