

Bureau ZSH prompt

Just a prompt for ZSH. The right prompt is asynchronous, so it work fine even on large repositories.

It is reincarnation of my bureau theme for oh-my-zsh. I created it when I stopped using oh-my-zsh.

<img alt="bureau zsh prompt" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/529247/149222635-61d1e2ad-5f0e-4a20-82c7-60a7971af528.png">

It shows on the left:

On the right:


Add following string to your .zshrc:

source /path/to/prompt_bureau_setup.zsh [color1] [color2] [color3]

Colors are optional. If you pass only one color, it will be used for username, hostname and current branch. If you pass two colors, the first will be used for username and branch, and the second for hostname. If you pass three colors, it will be used for username, hostname and branch accordingly.