Today's kitchen is all about a well-planned space that makes cooking a completely interactive experience among family and friends.
Candice Olson
Suavemente is an applicative functor capable of seamlessly talking to HTML elements. Running a suavemente program automatically spins up a webserver and hooks up its pages with websockets. The use case is to quickly deploy simple, interactive Haskell programs without needing to figure out how the fuck GHCJS works.
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
module Main where
import Diagrams.Backend.SVG
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding (rad)
import Web.Suavemente
import Web.Suavemente.Diagrams
main :: IO ()
main = suavemente sendDiagram $ do
rad <- slider "Radius" 1 10 5
r <- realSlider "Red" 0 1 0.05 1
g <- realSlider "Green" 0 1 0.05 1
b <- realSlider "Blue" 0 1 0.05 1
x <- slider "X" 0 20 10
y <- slider "Y" 0 20 10
pure (
circle rad
# fc (sRGB r g b)
# translate (r2 (x, y))
# rectEnvelope (p2 (0, 0)) (r2 (20, 20))
:: Diagram B)
Hit localhost:8080
to see it in action!