

Appium Automated Exploratory Tester - Alpha

<img src="https://www.dropbox.com/s/zoab5i5tzsao97w/hexa-spider-robot2.gif?raw=1" width="600" height="400">

Appium Native Crawler CLI


I built this to mimic exploratory testing the best I could make it. Also because it was something I needed at the time and thought should exist. I do believe with the speed of development these days we need more tools like this to help us keep pace and not sacrifice quality. I also got tired or writing and refactoring tests for a constantly changing application so I automated the automation.

Will this work for every app?

Probably not but that is the challenge of building somethign that does. Will it work for most apps? I think so. If it doesn't work for your app, help make it work by contributing a pull request. :)

Will this work on Windows?

I have only tested this on OSX and Linux environments but it will need some refactoring for Windows. Please help make it work by adding a pull request. :)

How can you help?

Requirements before using

Gem Installation

Before you start

How does it work?

Example Usage

Crawling Your App

Reports Generated

<img src="https://www.dropbox.com/s/xrhl67ru1z2dh08/crawler-report-trimmed.gif?raw=1" width="800">



Tests to add


Apache 2.0