

Global Pooling, More than Meets the Eye: Position Information is Encoded Channel-Wise in CNNs, ICCV 2021

Global Pooling, More than Meets the Eye: Position Information is Encoded Channel-Wise in CNNs <br> Md Amirul Islam*, Matthew Kowal*, Sen Jia, Konstantinos G. Derpanis, Neil Bruce


Channel-wise Position Encoding

  1. Train and Test GAPNet for location classification or image recognition using the following commands:

         cd channel-wise-position-encoding/
         python trainval_gapnet.py 
         python test_gapnet.py 
  2. Train and Test PermuteNet for location classification or image recognition using the following commands:

         cd channel-wise-position-encoding/
         python trainval_permutenet.py 
         python test_permutenet.py 

Learning Translation Invariant Representation

Code coming soon!

Targeting Position-Encoding Channels

Identify and Rank the position encoding channels followed by targeting the ranked channels using the following commands:

        cd position_attack/
        bash run_rank_target_neurons.sh

Please download the DeepLabv3-ResNet50 model trained on Cityscapes from Dropbox and put it under ./position_attack/checkpoints/

Download the cityscapes dataset and change the dataset root path accordingly!



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   title={Global Pooling, More than Meets the Eye: Position Information is Encoded Channel-Wise in CNNs},
   author={Islam, Md Amirul and Kowal, Matthew and Jia, Sen and Derpanis, Konstantinos G and Bruce, Neil},
   booktitle={International Conference on Computer Vision},