

A Basic CakePHP + VueJS Single Page Application

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A basic CakePHP + VueJS single page application. Provides basic skeleton/boilerplate to quickly get started with CakePHP and Vue.js.

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  1. Get project into your system

    Via composer:

    composer create-project ishanvyas22/cakephpvue-spa

    Via cloning the project into your server:

    git clone git@github.com:ishanvyas22/cakephpvue-spa.git
  2. Install composer dependencies

    composer install
  3. Connect with your database

  4. Run the migrations

    bin/cake migrations migrate
  5. Start CakePHP web server or create v-host to run this app.


  1. Install npm packages
    npm install
  2. Run below command (Uses awesome Asset Mix plugin for asset compilation)
    • To watch every changes in your vue file
      npm run watch
    • To generate development version of js file
      npm run dev
    • To generate production version of js file
      npm run prod



Please see CHANGELOG for more information about recent changes.


I love to welcome your contributions if you know CakePHP / Vue.js.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.