



⚠️ Please use the new dataset from now on. The dataset in this repository will no longer be updated as of May 4, 2022.

🚨 Vaccine-related datasets have also been added to the new repository (vaccine coverage, vaccine administration) or will be added in the near future (vaccine distribution).

❗ To ease the transition to the new dataset, case and death datasets using the old column names, date format, province/territory names and health region names are being offered for download as CSV files. These files should be more-or-less drop-in replacements for the old case and death datasets. However, we encourage users to switch to the new dataset format, as this legacy format will not be supported indefinitely. Download links for the CSV files:

Epidemiological Data from the COVID-19 Outbreak in Canada

The COVID-19 Canada Open Data Working Group collects daily time series data on COVID-19 cases, deaths, recoveries, testing and vaccinations at the health region and province levels. Data are collected from publicly available sources such as government datasets and news releases. Updates are made nightly at 22:00 ET. See data_notes.txt for notes regarding the latest data update. Our data collection is mostly automated; see Covid19CanadaETL for details.

Our data dashboard is available at the following URL: https://art-bd.shinyapps.io/covid19canada/.

Table of contents:

Accessing the data

❗ Before using our datasets, please read the Datasets section below. ⚠️

Our datasets are available in three different formats:

Note that retired datasets (retired_datasets) are only available on GitHub.


Usage notes and caveats

The dataset in this repository was launched in March 2020 and has been maintained ever since. As a legacy dataset, it preserves many oddities in the data introduced by changes to COVID-19 reporting over time (see details below). A new, definitive COVID-19 dataset for Canada is currently being developed as CovidTimelineCanada, a part of the What Happened? COVID-19 in Canada project. While the new CovidTimelineCanada dataset is not yet stable (and thus should not be relied upon), it fixes many of the aforementioned oddities present in the legacy dataset in this repository.

The update date and time for our dataset is given in update_time.txt.

The following time series data are available at the health region level (as well as at the level of province and Canada-wide):

The following time series data are available at the province level (as well as Canada-wide):

Note that definitions for each of these values differ between provinces. See our technical report for more details.

Several other important files are also available in the other folder:

We also have a case and mortality datasets which combine our dataset with the official SK provincial dataset using the new 13 reporting zones (our dataset continues to use the old 6 reporting zones) in the hr_sk_new folder. Data for SK are only available from August 4, 2020 and onward in this dataset.

Our individual-level case and mortality datasets are retired as of June 1, 2021 (see retired_datasets).

Recommended citation

Below is the current citation for the dataset:

Below is the previous citation for the dataset:

Methodology & data notes

Detailed information about our data collection methodology and sources, answers to frequently asked data questions and the technical report for our dataset are available on our website. Note that some of this information is out-of-date and will eventually be updated. Information on automated data collection is available in the Covid19CanadaETL GitHub repository.

The scripts used to prepare, update and validate the datasets in this repository are available in the scripts folder.


We would like to thank all individuals and organizations across Canada who have worked tirelessly to provide data to the public during this pandemic.

Additionally, we thank the following organizations/individuals for their support:

Public Health Agency of Canada / Joe Murray (JMA Consulting)

Contact us

You can learn more about the COVID-19 Canada Open Data Working Group at our website and reach out to us via our contact page.