



This is an effort to map the interlinkages between various industrial & product classification systems along with other databases of interest (facility pollution, LCA, etc.).

<img src=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/isdata-org/what-links-to-what/master/images/wltw_logo.png height=100>

Visualized Links

This is a rough map of all the classification and data sets that we are aware of: <img src=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/isdata-org/what-links-to-what/master/WhatLinksToWhat.png>

In the CodeLinkR folder we are working on software that can read the classifications and their concordances. The matrices below shows the current status of these efforts. The metadata used is stored in classifications.yaml and concordances.yaml.

Which classification codes have been linked:

<table> <tr> <td> <img src=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/isdata-org/what-links-to-what/master/images/AdjMatrixSimplified-1.png width=400> </td> <td> <img src=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/isdata-org/what-links-to-what/master/images/wltw_product_industry_linkages.png> </td> </tr> </table>

What this shows us is that if you have one dataset using Combined Nomenclature (CN), it's possible to link it to another dataset using NACE by the following set of translations: CN -> SITC -> HS -> ISIC -> NACE.

Which specific versions of the classification codes have been linked:

<img src=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/isdata-org/what-links-to-what/master/images/AdjMatrix-1.png width=600>

Data Sources






The data is represented using the graphviz dot format in the file WhatLinksToWhat.dot.m4. We additionally use m4 to help replace variable names with colors representing the different types of classifications.

The image shown on this page is rendered with graphviz using:

bash ./WhatLinksToWhat.sh

This script also generates the WhatLinksToWhat.dot file, and you can use this to then render to other formats like svg.