


KeyMouse is a program which works like the chrome plugin vimium, but is designed for other programs(like windows file browser).



Download the zip file in release page and unzip it.


if KeyMouse doesn't work, try to run as Administrator.


KeyMouse supports configuration for hot keys and profile.you can put your configuration in config.json(put in the path the same as KeyMouse.exe). there is a typical configuration:

        "runOnStartUp": true,
        "backgroundColor": "#CCFFCC",
        "fontColor": "#000000",
        "fontSize": 9,
        "font": "Arial Rounded MT Bold",
        "windowBkgdColor": "#CCBBAA",
        "windowFontSize": 11,
        "opacity": 70,
        "invertClickType": false,
        "onlyForeWindow": true,
        "enableWindowSwitching": true,
        "enableCache": false
        "toggleEnable": "alt+[",
        "scrollUp": "alt+k",
        "scrollDown": "alt+j",
        "selectMode": "alt+;",
        "escape": "esc",
        "fastSelectMode": "alt+i",
        "rightClickPrefix": "shift+a",
        "singleClickPrefix": "shift+s",
        "forceNotUseCache": "space",
        "selectModeSingle": "disabled"


The options of profile is listed below:

runOnStartUpboolfalseWhen this option is true, the app will be launched when windows starts up.
backgroundColorstring#CCFFCCThe background color of hints. Use RGB format
fontColorstring#000000The font color of hint. Use RGB format
fontSizeint10The font size of hint.
fontstringArial Rounded MT BoldThe font type of hint. You can find the font name supported by your system through Settings->Personalization->fonts. Make sure to use the full name of font.
windowBkgdColorstring#CCBBAAThis option is for switch window tag. Indicate the background color of switch window tag.
windowFontColorstring#000000This option is for switch window tag. Indecate tor font color of switch window tag.
windowFontSizeint12This option is for switch window tag.
windowFontstringArial Rounded MT Boldthis option is for switch window tag. Indecate the font type of switch window tag.
opacityint100The opacity of tags. value is from 0-100.
invertClickTypeboolfalseWhen it's true, KeyMouse will use right click as main click.
onlyForeWindowbooltrueWhen using multiple monitors, only enumerate hints on foreground window. If setting to false, It will try to enumerate windows on other monitors(might be slow.)
enableWindowSwitchingbooltrueWindow switching feature may cause a high delay on some Windows versions.
enableCacheboolfalse(experimental) Try to cache the target window's hints when it's possible. (target window may be frozen if it's hint-intensive.)

The hot keys support alt, shift, ctrl, win and most keys on the keyboard. Please use lowercase and use + to connect different keys. some typical keybings: alt+j, shift+alt+j, f11. You can also use disabled to disable hot key.

The option of hot keys is listed below:

toggleEnablestringalt+[Enable/Disable this app.
scrollUpstringkScroll up.
scrollDownstringjScroll down.
selectModestringalt+;Enter select mode.
fastSelectModestringalt+jEnter fast select mode. the difference between select mode and fast select mode is that FSM will continually enter select mode. may fail in some situations.
escapestringescLeave select mode.
rightClickPrefixstringshift+aWhen you're in select mode. Hitting rightClickPrefix before hitting tag will simulate right click instead.
singleClickPrefixstringshift+sWhen you're in select mode. Hitting singleClickPrefix before hitting tag will simulate single click instead.
forceNotUseCachestringspaceWhen enableCache is true and you're in select mode. Hitting forceNotUseCache will retrieve hints directly instead of using cache.
selectModeSinglestringdisabledSelect Mode using single left click.



  1. require json lib from nlohmann/json.

you can either add --recurse-submodules option when cloning this repo or get a copy from nlohmann/json/single_include/nlohmann/json.hpp to /KeyMouse/KeyMouse/json/single_include/nlohmann/json.hpp.


  1. run git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/iscooool/KeyMouse.git.
  2. Install Visual Studio and Import this project.
  3. Ensure to build this project in x64.