

Efficient Virtual View Selection for 3D Hand Pose Estimation

This is the official implementation for the paper, "Efficient Virtual View Selection for 3D Hand Pose Estimation", AAAI 2022.


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Update (2022-3-30)

We upload prediction results in pixel coordinates (i.e., UVD format) for NYU and ICVL datasets: https://github.com/iscas3dv/handpose-virtualview/tree/main/result_nyu_icvl, Evaluation code (https://github.com/xinghaochen/awesome-hand-pose-estimation/tree/master/evaluation) can be applied for performance comparision among SoTA methods.

Update (2022-6-7)

The models were damaged during uploading to Google drive. We have uploaded new models.

Update (2022-06-27)

Modify the training method of View selection with the "student" confidence network.


Other versions of CUDA should also work, but please make sure that the version of CUDA used by PyTorch is the same as the system, because our code needs to be compiled with nvcc.


Data preparation

We publish training and evaluation code on NYU hand pose dataset and ICVL hand posture dataset. The data preparation process of these two datasets is as follows.

NYU Hand Pose Dataset

ICVL Hand Posture Dataset


We have already trained some models that you can download and evaluate. After downloading models, extract it to checkpoint folder in the project directory.

NYU Hand Pose Dataset

Uniform sampling

In the output results, error_3d_conf shows the average joint error for fusion with confidence, and error_3d_fused shows the average joint error for fusion without confidence.

View selection with the “teacher” confidence network

In the output results, error_3d_fused shows the average joint error.

View selection with the “student” confidence network

In the output results, epoch_error_3d_conf_select shows the average joint error.

ICVL Hand Posture Dataset

We provide a model trained and configuration files on ICVL hand posture dataset, you can follow the commands on NYU hand pose dataset and use corresponding configuration files to evaluate.


You can also train models using the following commands.

NYU Hand Pose Dataset

Uniform sampling

We only train a model that uniformly samples 25 views, which is also suitable for uniformly sampling 15, 9, 3 and 1 views.

python train_a2j.py --config config/nyu/train_uniform.yaml

View selection with the “teacher” confidence network

The following commands train models using the "teacher" network to select 15, 9, 3 views from 25 views respectively. The model that selects 1 view from 25 views is the same as the model that selects 3 views from 25 views.

python train_a2j.py --config config/nyu/train_25select15.yaml
python train_a2j.py --config config/nyu/train_25select9.yaml
python train_a2j.py --config config/nyu/train_25select3.yaml

View selection with the “student” confidence network

The following commands train models using the "student" network to select 15, 9, 3 views from 25 views respectively. The model that selects 1 view from 25 views is the same as the model that selects 3 views from 25 views. This step requires the use of the trained teacher confidence network, please modify the pre_a2j field of the configuration file to the path of the previously trained model.

python view_select_a2j.py --config config/nyu/train_25select15_light.yaml
python view_select_a2j.py --config config/nyu/train_25select9_light.yaml
python view_select_a2j.py --config config/nyu/train_25select3_light.yaml

ICVL Hand Posture Dataset

We provide configuration files on ICVL hand posture dataset, you can follow the commands on NYU hand pose dataset and use corresponding configuration files to train.


Please cite this paper if you want to use it in your work,

      title={Efficient Virtual View Selection for 3D Hand Pose Estimation}, 
      author={Jian Cheng, Yanguang Wan, Dexin Zuo, Cuixia Ma, Jian Gu, Ping Tan, Hongan Wang, Xiaoming Deng, Yinda Zhang}, 
      booktitle={AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)}, 


We use part of the great code from A2J, HandAugment and attention-is-all-you-need-pytorch.