

Treefmt VS Code Extension

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This VS Code extension provides integration with treefmt, a multi-language code formatter. It allows you to format your code based on the configuration defined in your treefmt.toml file.



You can install it directly from the Visual Studio Marketplace.

Alternatively, open the Extensions view (Ctrl+Shift+X), search for treefmt, and click Install.

Or, you can install it from the command line:

code --install-extension ibecker.treefmt-vscode



The extension uses the treefmt.toml file located in the root of your project directory. You can create this file manually or use the treefmt --init command to generate a template. If you try to format a file without a treefmt.toml file, the extension will display an message and offer to run treefmt --init on your behalf.

Setting as Default Formatter

To set this extension as the default formatter for your workspace:

  1. Open VS Code settings (Ctrl+,).
  2. Search for default formatter.
  3. Set the default formatter to Treefmt.

Now, every time you format a file, treefmt will be used according to your treefmt.toml configuration.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests to improve the extension.


This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License.