


Minipyth is a minimal programming language, inspired by Pyth. Minipyth is intended to be programmed from my phone. As a result, the only characters used in Minipyth are lowercase letters. Additionally, Minipyth is a golfy language: Each character is an independent atom of the language. Ideally, anything can be programmed using a short program.

To run a Minipyth program, you can simply run:

cargo run <program> <input>

For higher performance, run

cargo run --release -- <program> <input>

You'll need rust installed, here's the instructions to do so: https://www.rust-lang.org/learn/get-started

Input is optional, defaults to 0.

Two potentially useful flags are --debug, which prints the parse tree, and --pretty, which pretty-prints the output.

About Minipyth

Minipyth is a highly minimalistic language, and intentionally lacks many features that are taken for granted in other languages. Minipyth lacks:

Now that we know what Minipyth lacks, let's talk about its features.

High-level semantics

There are three types of characters in the language:

Basic functions

A basic function takes 1 argument and returns 1 output. Functions are applied to the input by default, in order from right to left. For instance, consider the program


s is the sum function, while h functions as the successor function in this context. By default, the functions are applied to the input on STDIN. Suppose that STDIN consists of two numbers, newline seaparated:


These arguments are internally converted to a list:

[4, 5]

The program hs sums the list, and increments the result, returning 10.

Higher-order functions

A higher-order function takes one or more functions as input, and returns a function, which is then applied as usual. By default, the input basic function is the following character, or the basic function returned by the following character.

For instance, consider the program


m is the map higher-order function. It creates the function which maps its input function over a list.

Suppose that the input is the list [4, 5]. The program mh returns [5, 6].

Binding character

A binding character runs before the characters listed above, at parse time. Binding characters look back through the program, find a certain string of functions, and package them into one function, for use in higher-order functions.

For instance, consider the program


z is the bind-1 binder. It packages hh into a single function. Therefore, this program increases each input by 2. If the input is the list [4, 5], this program returns [6, 7].

Object types

An object can be any of the following types:

Sometimes, functions need to interpret objects as truthy or falsy. The falsy objects are 0, [], and all errors. All other objects are falsy.

Sometimes, functions need to output a truth value. 1 represents true, 0 represents false.

Language reference

Updated: 2021-12-23

aall-pairsbasicGiven [x, [a, b, c, ...]], create [[x, a], [x, b], ...]. Given [[a, b, c, ...], int], create [[a, int], [b, int], ...]. Given list of ints l, same as [l, l]. Given int i, [[i, 0], [i, 1], ..., [i, i-1]].
bbifurcatehigher-2Given two funcs, apply each to input, make list.
ccombinebasicTransponse list. Int: permutations.
ddeduplicatebasicRemove all repeated elements. Int: partitions.
eequalbasicGiven a list, check if all elements identical. Int: subset permutations.
ffilterhigherto_list: filter func over list
hheadbasicInt: x+1. List: first element
iinversehigherInvert. Defined case-by-case.
jdeep-indexhigherGiven list and func, apply func to list length, then deep index the result into the input. Int unimplemented.
llengthbasicList: length. Int: To binary.
mmaphigherto_list: map func over list.
nnegatebasicInt: -x. List: reverse
oorderhigherto_list: order by key given by func
pproductbasicInt: prime-factorization. List(Int): product. List(List): Cartesian product
qquotebinderPair with next q, combine everything within into one function. If odd number, first q pairs with earliest eligible location in the program.
rrepeathigherApply func a number of times equal to input[0], starting with input[1]. Return all results. If input is length 1 or non-list, use input as both times and start.
ssumbasicInt: logical negation. List(Int): integer sum. List(List): concatenate
ttailbasicInt: x-1. List: All but first element
uupdatehigherGiven [i, list] and func, update list[i] using func.
vreverse-lookuphigherFind first input to func that produces arg as output.
wwhilehigher-2Apply second func until first func returns falsy or error. Return starting value and all results.
xfixed-pointhigherApply until result repeats or errors. Return all results.
ypower-setbasicInt: 2^x. List: power-set
zbind-eagerbinderCombine everything backwards until unbound higher-order function into one function.
