

Extension Test DuckDB Version H3 Version License

This is a DuckDB extension that adds support for the H3 discrete global grid system, so you can index points and geometries to hexagons in SQL.

Get started

Load from the community extensions repository:

INSTALL h3 FROM community;
LOAD h3;

Test running an H3 function:

SELECT h3_cell_to_latlng('822d57fffffffff');

Or, using the integer API, which generally has better performance:

SELECT h3_cell_to_latlng(586265647244115967);

Implemented functions

This extension implements the entire H3 API. The full list of functions is below.

All functions support H3 indexes specified as UBIGINT (uint64) or BIGINT (int64), but the unsigned one is preferred and is returned when the extension can't detect which one to use. The unsigned and signed APIs are identical. All functions also support VARCHAR H3 index input and output.

Full list of functions

h3_latlng_to_cellConvert latitude/longitude coordinate to cell ID
h3_latlng_to_cell_stringConvert latitude/longitude coordinate to cell ID (returns VARCHAR)
h3_cell_to_latConvert cell ID to latitude
h3_cell_to_lngConvert cell ID to longitude
h3_cell_to_latlngConvert cell ID to latitude/longitude
h3_cell_to_boundary_wktConvert cell ID to cell boundary
h3_get_resolutionGet resolution number of cell ID
h3_get_base_cell_numberGet base cell number of cell ID
h3_string_to_h3Convert VARCHAR cell ID to UBIGINT
h3_h3_to_stringConvert BIGINT or UBIGINT cell ID to VARCHAR
h3_is_valid_cellTrue if this is a valid cell ID
h3_is_res_class_iiiTrue if the cell's resolution is class III
h3_is_pentagonTrue if the cell is a pentagon
h3_get_icosahedron_facesList of icosahedron face IDs the cell is on
h3_cell_to_parentGet coarser cell for a cell
h3_cell_to_childrenGet finer cells for a cell
h3_cell_to_center_childGet the center finer cell for a cell
h3_cell_to_child_posGet a sub-indexing number for a cell inside a parent
h3_child_pos_to_cellConvert parent and sub-indexing number to a cell ID
h3_compact_cellsConvert a set of single-resolution cells to the minimal mixed-resolution set
h3_uncompact_cellsConvert a mixed-resolution set to a single-resolution set of cells
h3_grid_diskFind cells within a grid distance
h3_grid_disk_distancesFind cells within a grid distance, sorted by distance
h3_grid_disk_unsafeFind cells within a grid distance, with no pentagon distortion
h3_grid_disk_distances_unsafeFind cells within a grid distance, sorted by distance, with no pentagon distortion
h3_grid_disk_distances_safeFind cells within a grid distance, sorted by distance
h3_grid_ring_unsafeFind cells exactly a grid distance away, with no pentagon distortion
h3_grid_path_cellsFind a grid path to connect two cells
h3_grid_distanceFind the grid distance between two cells
h3_cell_to_local_ijConvert a cell ID to a local I,J coordinate space
h3_local_ij_to_cellConvert a local I,J coordinate to a cell ID
h3_cell_to_vertexGet the vertex ID for a cell ID and vertex number
h3_cell_to_vertexesGet all vertex IDs for a cell ID
h3_vertex_to_latConvert a vertex ID to latitude
h3_vertex_to_lngConvert a vertex ID to longitude
h3_vertex_to_latlngConvert a vertex ID to latitude/longitude coordinate
h3_is_valid_vertexTrue if passed a valid vertex ID
h3_is_valid_directed_edgeTrue if passed a valid directed edge ID
h3_origin_to_directed_edgesGet all directed edge IDs for a cell ID
h3_directed_edge_to_cellsConvert a directed edge ID to origin/destination cell IDs
h3_get_directed_edge_originConvert a directed edge ID to origin cell ID
h3_get_directed_edge_destinationConvert a directed edge ID to destination cell ID
h3_cells_to_directed_edgeConvert an origin/destination pair to directed edge ID
h3_are_neighbor_cellsTrue if the two cell IDs are directly adjacent
h3_directed_edge_to_boundary_wktConvert directed edge ID to linestring WKT
h3_get_hexagon_area_avgGet average area of a hexagon cell at resolution
h3_cell_areaGet the area of a cell ID
h3_get_hexagon_edge_length_avgAverage hexagon edge length at resolution
h3_edge_lengthGet the length of a directed edge ID
h3_get_num_cellsGet the number of cells at a resolution
h3_get_res0_cellsGet all resolution 0 cells
h3_get_res0_cells_stringGet all resolution 0 cells (returns VARCHAR)
h3_get_pentagonsGet all pentagons at a resolution
h3_get_pentagons_stringGet all pentagons at a resolution (returns VARCHAR)
h3_great_circle_distanceCompute the great circle distance between two points (haversine)
h3_cells_to_multi_polygon_wktConvert a set of cells to multipolygon WKT
h3_polygon_wkt_to_cellsConvert polygon WKT to a set of cells
h3_polygon_wkt_to_cells_stringConvert polygon WKT to a set of cells (returns VARCHAR)

Alternative download / install

If you'd like to install the H3 extension from the version published here, rather than the community extension version, you will need to run DuckDB with the unsigned option:

duckdb -unsigned

Load the extension:

INSTALL h3 FROM 'https://pub-cc26a6fd5d8240078bd0c2e0623393a5.r2.dev';
LOAD h3;

If you want to directly download the latest version of the extension: Linux AMD64 Linux AMD64 GCC4 Linux Arm64 OSX AMD64 OSX Arm64 wasm eh wasm mvp wasm threads Windows AMD64


To build, type:

git submodule update --init
GEN=ninja make release

You will need Git, CMake, and a C compiler. The build instructions suggest using ninja because it enables parallelism by default. Using make instead is fine, but you will want to enable the following parallelism option, because building DuckDB can take a very long time (>=1 hour is not unusual). Run the below replacing 4 with the number of CPU cores on your machine.

CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL=4 make duckdb_release release

To run, run the bundled duckdb shell:

./build/release/duckdb -unsigned

Load the extension:

load 'build/release/extension/h3/h3.duckdb_extension';

To run tests:

make test

To update the submodules to latest upstream, run:

make update_deps


h3-duckdb Copyright 2022 Isaac Brodsky. Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

H3 Copyright 2018 Uber Technologies Inc. (Apache 2.0 License)

DGGRID Copyright (c) 2015 Southern Oregon University

DuckDB Copyright 2018-2022 Stichting DuckDB Foundation (MIT License)

DuckDB extension-template Copyright 2018-2022 DuckDB Labs BV (MIT License)