

<p align="center"> <img alt="is-a.dev Banner" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/is-a-dev/register/main/media/banner.png"> </p> <p align="center"> <img alt="Domains" src="https://img.shields.io/github/directory-file-count/is-a-dev/register/domains?color=5c46eb&label=domains&style=for-the-badge"> <img alt="Open Pull Requests" src="https://img.shields.io/github/issues-raw/is-a-dev/register?color=5c46eb&label=issues&style=for-the-badge"> <img alt="Open Issues" src="https://img.shields.io/github/issues-pr-raw/is-a-dev/register?color=5c46eb&label=pull%20requests&style=for-the-badge"> <br> <img alt="Publish" src="https://github.com/is-a-dev/register/actions/workflows/publish.yml/badge.svg"> </p> <h1 align="center">is-a.dev</h1> <p align="center"><strong>is-a-dev</strong> is a service that allows developers to get a sweet-looking ".is-a.dev" domain for their personal websites.</p>

Announcements & Status Updates

Please join our Discord server for announcements, updates & upgrades, and downtimes regarding the service. Not all of these will be posted on GitHub, however they will always be posted in our Discord server.

<a href="https://discord.gg/is-a-dev-830872854677422150"><img alt="Discord Server" src="https://invidget.switchblade.xyz/is-a-dev-830872854677422150"></a>


NS Records

When applying for NS records, please consider if you actually need them. Please provide a detailed reason (with evidence) of why you require NS records.

9 times out of 10, you do not actually need NS records, and merely want them. We already support a wide range of records, so it is extremely unlikely you will actually require them.

Pull requests adding NS records without valid reasoning will be closed.

Instant Denials:

For any questions regarding NS records, feel free to email support@is-a.dev.

[!NOTE] You can skip these requirements by supporting the service with a small amount of $2.

All donations go towards supporting the service's running costs.

If you decide to donate, please email william@is-a.dev with your payment confirmation and your pull request link to receive your NS records.

Manual Registration

If you want a more visual guide, check out this blog post.

Automated Registration

Returning soon. Join our Discord server for updates.


If you have any problems, feel free to open an issue.

If you have an issue that contains confidental infomation, send an email to security@is-a.dev.

We are proud to announce that we are fully supported by Cloudflare's Project Alexandria sponsorship program. We would not be able to operate without their help! 💖

<a href="https://www.cloudflare.com"> <img alt="Cloudflare Logo" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/is-a-dev/register/main/media/cloudflare.png" height="96"> </a>