


This project is built on the dbt_artifacts package for dbt. It takes the output of dbt_artifacts and prepares it for consumption by the OpenTelemetry Collector's sqlqueryreceiver

Using it

  1. Add the package to your current dbt project's packages.yml file:

      - git: "https://github.com/irvingpop/dbt_otel_export.git"
        revision: v1.1.2
  2. Run dbt deps to install the package

  3. Add an on-run-end hook to your dbt_project.yml

    # during the development cycle
      - "{{ dbt_artifacts.upload_results(results) }}"
    # later, when in production
      - "{% if target.name == 'prod' %}{{ dbt_artifacts.upload_results(results) }}{% endif %}"
  4. Run the initial setup for dbt_artifacts

    dbt run --select dbt_artifacts
  5. Do a dbt run as normal

  6. Download the latest OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib binary (otelcol-contrib) for your platform from: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-releases/releases/tag/v0.91.0

  7. Write out the provided otel-collector-config.yaml file, updating your datasource line (Snowflake example provided) and otlp endpoint (Honeycomb example provided) as needed:

  8. Run the OpenTelemetry Collector service:

    SNOWFLAKE_USERNAME='<my_username>' \
      SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD='<a_very_secure_password>' \
      SNOWFLAKE_INSTANCE='my_snowflake_instance.us-east-1' \
      SNOWFLAKE_DATABASE='analytics' \
      SNOWFLAKE_SCHEMA='prod' \
      HONEYCOMB_API_KEY='a_very_secure_token' \
      HONEYCOMB_DATASET='dbt_runs' \
      ./otelcol-contrib --config examples/otel-collector-config.yaml
  9. Now you should have traces available to view! Example screenshots from Honeycomb:

Honeycomb trace viewer Honeycomb concurrency query Honeycomb heatmap

For more information

Troubleshooting, etc

random stuff to try:

build a slim/dedicated otel collector.

  1. Download otel collector builder (ocb) from here: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector/releases/tag/cmd%2Fbuilder%2Fv0.91.0
  2. Use the provided config in examples/collector-builder-config.yaml
  3. Run ./ocb --config examples/collector-builder-config.yaml