

Lovelace RPi Monitor Card

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If you have a number of Raspberry Pis on your network then this might be the card you need to setup your Dashboard for monitoring all of you RPi's. Setup the sensor software on your RPi: See RPi Reporter MQTT2HA Daemon. Then install this card to display the state of your RPi.

About this card

This is a Lovelace card showing you the status of one of the Raspberry Pi's on your network. This card offers a choice of smaller 'glance' style card or the larger 'full' card. You choose which you'd like for each of your RPi's.

Actual Card Layouts

Place one of these cards for each of your RPi's on your network (and install the sensor/daemon script on each RPi) and you can monitor your entire constellation of RPi's "at a glance"!

RPi Health Indicators

All of the card forms (as seen above) now have a row of RPi health indicators. With these indicators you can tell:

<p align="center"> <img src="./DOCs/images/newIndicatorsV2.png" width="500"> </p>

If you like my work and/or this has helped you in some way then feel free to help me out for a couple of :coffee:'s or :pizza: slices! Or you can support my work via Patreon!

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Use HACS (recommended) or download rpi-monitor-card.js from our Latest Release and place it in your www directory.

In your ui-lovelace.yaml (or resources.yaml, whichever you use for resources) add this:

- url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-rpi-monitor-card/rpi-monitor-card.js
  type: module

If you don't use HACS please change the url accordingly.

To add RPi Monitor Card to your dashboard, click ADD CARD and search for RPi Monitor Card. Next you need to click SHOW CODE EDITOR to set at least the following entries:

type: custom:rpi-monitor-card
entity: sensor.your-raspberry-pi-monitor

NOTE: the entity must point to sensor.rpi*monitor*{hostname} sensor, the other sensors from the same RPi will not work to drive this card!

See more configuration options and examples below.


Configuration options for RPi Monitor Card. Those options also allow you to override some of the built-in coloring or display of titles/values, severities etc.

entitystringRequiredEntity State
namestringnoneOverrides default title of the card. (Default: RPi Monitor {FQDN})
name_prefixstring'RPi monitor'Overrides default name prefix(Default: 'RPi Monitor')
card_stylestring'glance' or 'full'Card layout desired for this RPi. (Default is full)
temp_scalestring'C' or 'F'Show Temperature in Celsius (C) or Fahrenheit (F). (Default is C)
fs_severityobjectnoneA list of severity values. See Severity Coloring.
temp_severityobjectnoneA list of severity values. See Severity Coloring.
memory_severityobjectnoneA list of severity values. See Severity Coloring.
os_ageobjectnoneA list of os name and color values. See OS Coloring.
os_update_severityobjectnoneA list of update count values. See Severity Options.
show_titlebooleantrueShow / hide the Title for this card. (Default is show - 'true')
show_os_agebooleantrueShow / hide the os release name (Default is show - 'true')
show_update_agebooleantrueShow / hide time since last values reported for this card. (Default is show - 'true')
show_daemon_updbooleantrueShow / hide Daemon update needed flag. (Default is show - 'true')
show_os_upd_countbooleantrueShow / hide count of os updates pending. (Default is show - 'true')

Threshold Monitoring

The system temperature, disk space used and memory used values & icons are colored by threshold. The following defaults can be overridden for each card (each RPi.)

The default coloring is

Storage Used %
Temperature C
Memory Used %

The OS release name is also colored by expiration of support. The following defaults can be overridden for each card (each RPi.) with red meaning the named released is no longer supported / is not getting updates any longer.

The default release coloring is

Value/colorReleaseExp. Date
OS Release
redwheezy31 May 2018
redjessie30 June 2020
redstretch30 June 2022

NOTE: The release colors are based on when the named released reaches end of support When a release reaches end of support we no longer get security updates. It is best to simply move to the current release (or last release supporting your RPi version) when this happens. These color flags on the OS release let us know when we should be thinking about building a new OS image for the affected RPi.

RPi Daemon update available coloring

The Daemon update needed flag is colored according to version being run vs. the latest release. If the version being run is one back from the latest, the update is colored yellow. If current version is not in the list of most recent versions then it update is colored red. There is currently no override for this coloring.

Count of Pending OS Updates coloring

The number of pending OS updates value is colored by threshold. The following defaults can be overridden for each card (each RPi.)

The default coloring is

Nbr Updates Pending

Severity Coloring

fromnumberRequiredDefines from which value the color should be displayed.
tonumberRequiredDefines to which value the color should be displayed.
colorstringRequiredDefines the color to be displayed.

OS Coloring

osstringRequiredDefines for which named release this color is displayed (e.g., 'buster', 'stretch')
colorstringRequiredDefines the color to be displayed.

Example card specifications

NOTE: this card must always be attached to the sensor.rpi*monitor*{hostname} sensor, the other sensors from the same RPi will not work to drive this card!

A 'glance' card example

type: 'custom:rpi-monitor-card'
entity: sensor.rpi_monitor_hostname
card_style: glance
temp_scale: f

A 'full' card example (with additional coloring override example)

type: 'custom:rpi-monitor-card'
entity: sensor.rpi_monitor_hostname
card_style: full
temp_scale: C
  - color: Green
    from: 0
    to: 25
  - color: Orange
    from: 26
    to: 50
  - color: Red
    from: 51
    to: 100

Example monitoring of specific attributes

While we have the Glance and Full layout cards, you may wish to monitor other values. Here's an example of monitoring the RPi CPU Throttling that can occur or viewing the active network interfaces. Add the sensor(s) as follows:

 - type: attribute
    entity: sensor.rpi_monitor_hostname
    attribute: throttle
    name: Throttle status


 - type: attribute
    entity: sensor.rpi_monitor_hostname
    attribute: networking
    name: Network

This shows the sensor add and the resultant output:

Actual Card Layouts

(Thanks to gihub user @bsimmo for provinding this example.)

Example control of your RPi (avail. in Daemon v1.8.0 and later)

From v1.8.0 and later of the RPi Reporter MQTT2HA Daemon we can enable control over our RPi. We can then expose buttons offering this control with something like:

- type: entities
    - entity: button.rpi_command_pip2iotgw_reboot
      name: Reboot pip2iotgw
    - entity: button.rpi_command_pip2iotgw_restart_service
      name: Restart Service pip2iotgw
    - entity: button.rpi_command_pip2iotgw_shutdown
      name: Shutdown pip2iotgw
  title: RPi-pip2iotgw.home

This presents an interface like:

<p align="center"> <img src="./DOCs/images/button-example.png" width="500"> </p>



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