

Github-profile-name-writer Awesome

Write you name using the github commits and make your profile awesome. :wink:

Like This :arrow_heading_down:

Image of Ironman on github Profile

If you don't like reading, then just follow this :arrow_down: and enjoy. :sunglasses:

  1. Make a new repo (say testRepo)
  2. Run the file run.sh, it will ask you the information like username and id, enter it.
  3. You will obtain a file runThis.sh, just copy that file in your cloned version of testRepo and run it, that's all...

For other related queries refer this

I want my name in darker color, what to do.?

How to select date from which I want to start writing my name

The first quantity is year, second is month and third is date, just add these info when you run the script run.sh

For help, here are two screenshots

  1. Base date (Your name will appear above this date's level) Image of Base Date
  2. Inspect Element to find date. Image of Inspect Date

What if I want to change the pattern of some alphabets.

What about numbers.?

Edit :- Numbers are added.

Is this a useful thing..?

If you are behind a proxy and your proxy don't allow ssh to github, follow this

What more.?

Any suggestions are always welcomed.

Don't forget to :star:star:star: the repo if you like it...

