

ROS 2 cross-compilation framework

This is a Docker-based framework for cross-compiling ROS 2 packages for a variety of platforms. The pros of this framework are its modularity, that allows to easily add support for new architectures, and the possibility of integrating it into CI jobs.

In the following sections you can find instructions for cross-compiling ROS 2 packages and running the cross-compiled executables on your target platform.

Instructions for adding new packages or dependencies or adding support for new architectures can be found in the advanced section.

If you are interested in additional resources about cross-compilation, check the ROS 2 Cross-compilation official guide or the references at the bottom of this page.

A list of common cross-compilation issues and solutions is provided in the troubleshooting page.


NOTE: the following names are keywords! Write them exactly as they are here.

The supported ROS 2 distributions are:

The supported architectures are:


If you don't have Docker installed follow this link. Ensure that you have support for building and running ARM Docker containers.

Install some other dependencies

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y curl gnupg2 lsb-release software-properties-common
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros/rosdistro/master/ros.asc | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y python3-vcstool wget


bash build.sh

This will build the cross-compilation framework. It mainly consists of a bunch of Dockerfiles which provide a Docker environment with all the cross-compilation dependencies installed for each of the supported architectures.

Cross-compile ROS 2 SDK

NOTE: there is an automated script for cross-compiling specific versions of the ROS 2 SDK. For example you can run:

export TARGET=raspbian
export ROS2_DISTRO=foxy
bash automatic_cross_compile.sh

You can find the output in the directory ROS2_SDKs/"$ROS2_BRANCH"_"$HEAD"_"$TARGET".

Let's go through an example showing how to manually cross-compile ROS 2 Foxy SDK for raspbian architecture.

Source the environment variables for this architecture using

source env.sh raspbian

Create a sysroot for the architecture. This command will download a sysroot for the archicture specified by the TARGET_ARCHITECTURE environment variable (the argument passed to the env.sh script above, raspbian in this case). Note that if you already have a sysroot with the same name inside the sysroots directory, it will be overwritten by the new one.

If you want to use your own sysroot, instead of generating a new one, you can skip the last instruction and just place your sysroot in the sysroots directory. Your sysroot directory must be renamed to raspbian or as the specified TARGET_ARCHITECTURE that you passed to env.sh.

bash get_sysroot.sh

Create a ROS 2 workspace that you want to cross-compile.

We provide convenient scripts for downloading the ROS 2 sources for a specific distribution. If you want to cross-compile generic ROS 2 packages, see the advanced section.

bash get_ros2_sources.sh --distro=foxy --ros2-path=~/ros2_cc_ws

Cross-compile the workspace

bash cc_workspace.sh ~/ros2_cc_ws

The result of the cross-compilation will be found in ~/ros2_cc_ws/install.

Debug options

If you are runing the compilation steps one by one, you can also add a debug flag to the last command:

 bash cc_workspace.sh ~/ros2_cc_ws --debug

This will let you go inside the Docker container used for compilation rather than starting the compilation process. Once you are inside you can start building using any of the following scripts, depending on your target architecture:


Running in this debug mode also allows you to easily modify these scripts. Common modifications are the following:

Use cross-compiled ROS 2 packages

Copy the install directory from the cross-compiled workspace to your target platform.

cd ~/ros2_cc_ws
tar -czf install.tar.gz install
scp install.tar.gz user@hostname:~/

If you only need to run individual executables and you don't need ROS 2 command line tools (or you don't have Python3 in your target platform), you can simply add the libraries of the cross-compiled workspace to the dynamic libraries path.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/install/lib


If you want access the ROS 2 command line tools, you will have to source the cross-compiled workspace.

export COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX=~/install
source $COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX/setup.sh

ros2 run examples_rclcpp_minimal_publisher publisher_lambda
