


Radix tree implementation based on rax.


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Developed by API7.ai.


API7.ai provides technical support for the software it maintains like this library and Apache APISIX. Please contact us to learn more.

Table of Contents


location / {
  set $arg_access 'admin';
  content_by_lua_block {
    local radix = require("resty.radixtree")
    local rx = radix.new({
            paths = { "/login/*action" },
            metadata = { "metadata /login/action" },
            methods = { "GET", "POST", "PUT" },
            remote_addrs = { "", "", "::1", "fe80::/32" }
            paths = { "/user/:name" },
            metadata = { "metadata /user/name" },
            methods = { "GET" },
            paths = { "/admin/:name", "/superuser/:name" },
            metadata = { "metadata /admin/name" },
            methods = { "GET", "POST", "PUT" },
            filter_fun = function(vars, opts)
                return vars["arg_access"] == "admin"

    local opts = {
        method = "POST",
        remote_addr = "",
        matched = {}

    -- matches the first route
    ngx.say(rx:match("/login/update", opts))   -- metadata /login/action
    ngx.say("action: ", opts.matched.action)   -- action: update

    ngx.say(rx:match("/login/register", opts)) -- metadata /login/action
    ngx.say("action: ", opts.matched.action)   -- action: register

    local opts = {
        method = "GET",
        matched = {}

    -- matches the second route
    ngx.say(rx:match("/user/john", opts)) -- metadata /user/name
    ngx.say("name: ", opts.matched.name)  -- name: john

    local opts = {
        method = "POST",
        vars = ngx.var,
        matched = {}

    -- matches the third route
    ngx.say(rx:match("/admin/jane", opts))     -- metadata /admin/name
    ngx.say("admin name: ", opts.matched.name) -- admin name: jane

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Creates a new radix tree to store routes.


rx, err = radix.new(routes, opts)


routes is an array ({ {...}, {...}, {...} }) where each element is a route.

Each route can have the following attributes:

pathsRequiredList of request paths to match the route. By default does a full match. Adding * at the end will result in prefix match. For example, /foo* can match requests with paths /foo/bar and /foo/car/far.{"/", "/foo", "/bar/*"}
hostsOptionalList of host addresses to match the route. Supports wildcards. For example *.bar.com can match foo.bar.com and car.bar.com.{"foo.com", "*.bar.com"}
remote_addrsOptionalList of remote addresses (IPv4 or IPv6) to match the route. Supports CIDR format.{"", "", "::1", "fe80::/32"}
methodsOptionalList of HTTP methods to match the route. Valid values: "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "CONNECT" and "TRACE".{"GET", "POST"}
varsOptionalDSL to evaluate with the provided opts.vars or ngx.var. See: lua-resty-expr.{{"arg_name", "==", "json"}, {"arg_age", ">", 18}}
filter_funOptionalUser defined filter function to match the route. Can be used for custom matching scenarios. vars and opts will be passed to the function when matching a route.function(vars) return vars["arg_name"] == "json" end
priorityOptionalRoute priority. Defaults to 0.priority = 100
metadataOptionalmetadata will be returned when a route matches while using rx:match.
handlerOptionalhandler function will be called when a route matches while using rx:dispatch.

opts is an optional configuration that controls the behavior of a match. It can have the following attribute:

no_param_matchDisables Parameters in path.false

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Matches client request with routes and returns metadata if successful.


metadata = rx:match(path, opts)


path is the client request path. For example, "/foo/bar", /user/john/send.

opts is an optional attribute and a table. It can have the following attributes:

methodOptionalHTTP method of the client request.
hostOptionalHost address of the client request.
remote_addrOptionalRemote address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the client. Supports CIDR format.
pathsOptionalA list of client request paths.
varsOptionalA table to fetch variables. Defaults to ngx.var to fetch built-in Nginx variables.

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Matches client requests with routes and calls the handler function if successful.


ok = rx:dispatch(path, opts, ...)


path is the client request path. For example, "/api/metrics", /admin/john/login.

opts is an optional attribute and a table. It can have the following attributes:

methodOptionalHTTP method of the client request.
hostOptionalHost address of the client request.
remote_addrOptionalRemote address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the client. Supports CIDR format.
pathsOptionalA list of client request paths.
varsOptionalA table to fetch variables. Defaults to ngx.var to fetch built-in Nginx variables.

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Full Path Match

Matching full paths with multiple paths specified:

local rx = radix.new({
        paths = {"/foo", "/bar/car", "/doo/soo/index.html"},
        metadata = "metadata /foo",
        paths = {"/example"},
        metadata = "metadata /example",
        paths = {"/index.html"},
        metadata = "metadata /index.html",

Prefix Match

Matching based on prefix with multiple paths specified:

local rx = radix.new({
        paths = {"/foo/*", "/bar/car/*"}, -- matches with `/foo/boo`, `/bar/car/sar/far`, etc.
        metadata = "metadata /foo",
        paths = {"/example/*"}, -- matches with `/example/boo`, `/example/car/sar/far`, etc.
        metadata = "metadata /example",

Parameters in Path

You can specify parameters on a path. These can then be dynamically obtained from opts.matched.parameter-name:

local rx = radix.new({
        -- matches with `/user/john` but not `/user/` or `/user`
        paths = {"/user/:user"}, -- for `/user/john`, `opts.matched.user` will be `john`
        metadata = "metadata /user",
        -- But this will match `/user/john/` and also `/user/john/send`
        paths = {"/user/:user/*action"}, -- for `/user/john/send`, `opts.matched.user` will be `john` and `opts.matched.action` will be `send`
        metadata = "metadata action",

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From LuaRocks

luarocks install lua-resty-radixtree

From Source

make install

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To install dependencies, run:

make deps

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These are simple benchmarks.

Environment: MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019), CPU 2.3 GHz Intel Core i9.

To start benchmarking, run:

make bench


resty -I=./lib -I=./deps/share/lua/5.1 benchmark/match-parameter.lua
matched res: 1
route count: 100000
match times: 10000000
time used  : 3.1400001049042 sec
QPS        : 3184713
each time  : 0.31400001049042 ns

resty -I=./lib -I=./deps/share/lua/5.1 benchmark/match-prefix.lua
matched res: 500
route count: 100000
match times: 1000000
time used  : 0.42700004577637 sec
QPS        : 2341920

resty -I=./lib -I=./deps/share/lua/5.1 benchmark/match-static.lua
matched res: 500
route count: 100000
match times: 10000000
time used  : 0.95000004768372 sec
QPS        : 10526315

resty -I=./lib -I=./deps/share/lua/5.1 benchmark/match-hosts.lua
matched res: 500
route count: 1000
match times: 100000
time used  : 0.60199999809265 sec
QPS        : 166112

resty -I=./lib -I=./deps/share/lua/5.1 benchmark/match-wildcard-hosts.lua
matched res: 500
route count: 1000
match times: 50000
time used  : 0.47900009155273 sec
QPS        : 104384

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