A PSR-7 Middleware Interface proof-of-concept for PHP.
- PHP 7.0
Yes, that's the only hard requirement
Usage As An End User
To use this runner, you need to pick a PSR-7 Library. We'll use Guzzle's.
First, install it: composer require guzzle/psr7
Now, we need a factory instance for the PSR-7 Library;
$factory = new Tari\Adapter\Guzzle\Factory;
Next, we boot up the "Server":
$server = new Tari\Server($factory);
Next, append whatever middleware we want to. In this case, let's add the error handler and the HSTS middleware:
$server->append(new Tari\ServerMiddleware\ErrorHandler);
$server->append(new Tari\ServerMiddleware\HSTS(300 /* Max-age in seconds */));
We can also add middleware as closures (Notice we don't need types):
$server->append(function($request, $frame) {
$response = $frame->next($request);
return $response->withHeader('X-Powered-By', 'Tari-PHP');
We also need a "default" action to take:
$default = function($request) use ($factory) {
// Default to a 404 NOT FOUND response
return $factory->createResponse("Not Found", 404);
Finally, we can run out stack:
$request = new Guzzle\Psr7\ServerRequest("", "GET");
$response = $server->run($request, $default);
And that's all there is to it...
Usage As A Library Builder (Server Mode)
To use this middleware as a library author, simply implement the Tari\MiddlewareInterface
interface. It's as easy as that:
use Tari\ServerMiddlewareInterface;
use Tari\ServerFrameInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
class Foo implements ServerMiddlewareInterface {
public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request, ServerFrameInterface $frame): ResponseInterface {
// Do your modifications to the request here
$response = $frame->next($request);
// Do your modifications to the response here
return $response;
It's as simple as that.
Aborting a request
Sometimes, you don't want to continue with a request. If you detect that situation in your middleware, simply create a new response:
use Tari\ServerMiddlewareInterface;
use Tari\ServerFrameInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
class Foo implements ServerMiddlewareInterface {
public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request, ServerFrameInterface $frame): ResponseInterface {
if ($this->isBadRequest($request)) {
return $frame->factory()->createResponse("Bad Request", 400);
return $frame->next($request);
Tari defines 3 consumable interfaces:
interface ServerMiddlewareInterface {
public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request, ServerFrameInterface $frame): ResponseInterface;
Used for Server request processing
interface ServerFrameInterface {
public function next(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface;
public function factory(): FactoryInterface;
This is used for processing server requests
interface FactoryInterface {
public function createRequest(
UriInterface $uri = null,
string $method = '',
array $headers = [],
$body = null
): RequestInterface;
public function createServerRequest(
UriInterface $uri = null,
string $method = '',
array $headers = [],
$body = null
): ServerRequestInterface;
public function createResponse(
int $status = 200,
array $headers = [],
$body = null
): ResponseInterface;
public function createStream($data = null): StreamInterface;
public function createUri(string $uri = ''): UriInterface;
public function createUploadedFile(
int $size,
int $error,
string $clientFile = '',
string $clientMediaType = ''
): UploadedFileInterface;
There's a lot more going on here, but it's still extremely straight forward and simple.
Each method creates a PSR-7 object, and initializes it.