

<h1>Important!</h1> <p> This Repo was permanently <b>archived</b> in 2019/10/01. <b>BUT this is not the end!</b><br> </p> <p> With almost 3 months together in joint development, the project has been reborn once more! <br> We convert our website from static to dynamic such that everyone can submit a challenge/competition on their own interests. And more functions are coming. Please look forward to it! </p> <p> Click <a href="https://www.datascicamp.com">HERE</a> for our new website! You can also move to <a href="https://github.com/datascicamp/DataSciCamp">Welcome page</a> for more infomations. </p>

<div align="center"> <a href="./favicon.ico"> <img width="30" heigth="30" src="./favicon.ico"> </a> <br> <br> <h1>Data Science Challenge / Competition Deadlines </h1> <p> <li>A collection of popular Data Science Challenges/Competitions</li> <li>Countdown timers to keep track of the entry deadlines.</li> <br><a href="https://www.datascicamp.com">DataSciCamp.com</a> <p> </div>

Please Feel free to star ⭐ this repo! or open an issue with your suggestions and requests!

欢迎关注微博更新:IPhysResearch . Collected by 土豆 (Herb) in spare time.

联系网站开发者:LeonTian 的知乎主页 . LeonTian (Chief Designer and Developer of DataSciCamp).

Description | How to Contribute | Data Format | To-Do | Feature Requests | FAQ | Acknowledgments & other useful listings | Stargazers over time | License


How to Contribute

Data Format

The entire dataset is stored in files ./_data/_effective_*.yaml and ./_data/_hosts.yaml.

Here is an example:

- id: TrackML_Throughput_Phase
    - PF
    - AC
    - DM
    - CV
  title: TrackML Throughput Phase
  url: https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/20574
    - CodaLab: https://competitions.codalab.org
    - NeurIPS 2018: https://nips.cc/Conferences/2018/CompetitionTrack
  range: Sept. 7, 2018 - March 12, 2019
  deadtime: "2019-03-12 23:59:59"
  timezone: UTC
  pubtime: '2019-02-15'
  note: 'The overall TrackML challenge web site is <a href="https://sites.google.com/site/trackmlparticle/">there</a>.'
  prize: $15,000

See more details: ./_data/readme


Feature Requests

Help us imporve DataSciComp!

如果你还想 DataSciComp 支持新的特性和功能,请使用 FeatHub 进行投票,我们将综合考虑投票结果等因素来确定开发的优先级。

Feature Requests

Feature Requests


Acknowledgments and other useful listings

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time
