

The IPFS web browsers integration group

Informal group working on improving IPFS presence in web browsers

Made by icon. Project icon.

Our goal is to facilitate native support for IPFS and other decentralized protocols in web browsers in order to benefit ....


Current projects

IPFS Companion browser extension

IPFS Companion is a browser extension that simplifies access to IPFS resources and adds browser support for the IPFS protocol. It runs in <img src="https://unpkg.com/@browser-logos/firefox@2.0.0/firefox_16x16.png" width="16" height="16">Firefox (desktop and Android) and Chromium-based browsers including <img src="https://unpkg.com/@browser-logos/chrome@1.0.4/chrome_16x16.png" width="16" height="16">Chrome or <img src="https://unpkg.com/@browser-logos/brave@3.0.0/brave_16x16.png" width="16" height="16">Brave. Check out all of IPFS Companion's features and install it today!

<img src="https://unpkg.com/@browser-logos/firefox/firefox_16x16.png" width="16" height="16"> Firefox | Firefox for Android<img src="https://unpkg.com/@browser-logos/chrome/chrome_16x16.png" width="16" height="16"> Chrome | <img src="https://unpkg.com/@browser-logos/brave/brave_16x16.png" width="16" height="16"> Brave | <img src="https://unpkg.com/@browser-logos/opera/opera_16x16.png" width="16" height="16"> Opera | <img src="https://unpkg.com/@browser-logos/edge/edge_16x16.png" width="16" height="16"> Edge
Install From AMO<br>Install from Chrome Store<br>

Notable past web extension experiments

IPFS and the JavaScript ecosystem


Helia is a lean, modular, and modern TypeScript implementation of IPFS for the prolific JS and browser environments.

See the Manifesto, the FAQ, and the State of IPFS in JS blog post from October 2022 for more info.

Usage examples:

Legacy JS-IPFS

The js-ipfs / ipfs-core is is no longer maintained. See State of IPFS in JS blog post from October 2022 for rationale.

How to address IPFS on the web

How to run own HTTP Gateway

How to implement HTTP Gateway

See specification and implementer notes at https://specs.ipfs.tech/http-gateways/.


DNSLink enables you to map a domain name to an IPFS address (CID or IPNS libp2p-key) by means of a DNS TXT record.



Protocol Labs is a W3C Member. Current focus is to watch, learn, and participate in WebExtensions Community Group.

IPFS and Igalia collaborate on dweb in browsers

In 2020 IPFS and Igalia started a collaboration that continues to this day. Read more: https://blog.ipfs.tech/2021-01-15-ipfs-and-igalia-collaborate-on-dweb-in-browsers/

The most notable highlights (chronological order):




Opera for Android 57 introduced support for resolving ipfs:// or ipns:// via a customizable gateway.
Read more: https://blog.ipfs.tech/2020-03-30-ipfs-in-opera-for-android/

Get involved!

<!-- TODO: well, maybe we can bring this back one day... ### Join a meeting We'd love to meet you in person at one of our open Web Browsers & GUI Working Group meetings. They're a great way to get quickly up to speed on our work, including latest developments and awesome demos. - Meeting details at https://github.com/ipfs/team-mgmt/issues/790 You can also explore [recordings](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuhRWgmPaHtRIXVTy_ngBwvsXvWw10mR8) and [notes](https://github.com/ipfs/team-mgmt/tree/master/meeting-notes) from past meetings any time. -->

Contribute to an issue

Contributions to our work are more than welcome! Every IPFS Project repo makes use of the project-wide global issue labeling scheme. Good labels to look for are ...

If you see an issue that catches your eye, leave a comment so we know you're interested, and we'll go from there!

We're an open project and a friendly group, so please be nice and read the contributing guidelines when you're ready to jump in.


For the sake of async communication, archiving, and searchability, we encourage browser-related technical discussions to happen in the context of GitHub issue comments whenever practical.

If you want to ask support question, or just chat informally to learn and brainstorm, feel free to join chat community or discussion forum at https://discuss.ipfs.tech

Improve docs

https://docs.ipfs.tech is backed by the repo at https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-docs – any help in improving docs related to browsers (or not) is appreciated!

Improve specs

Proof-read ipfs/specs and fill an issue for: (1) outdated specs (2) missing specs (3) bits that are confusing and need to be clarified.


If you're looking for endeavors related to IPFS browser integration work, these resources may be helpful.