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A datastore implementation using sharded directories and flat files to store data

go-ds-flatfs is used by go-ipfs to store raw block contents on disk. It supports several sharding functions (prefix, suffix, next-to-last/*).

It is not a general-purpose datastore and has several important restrictions. See the restrictions section for details.

Lead Maintainer

Jakub Sztandera

Table of Contents


go-ds-flatfs can be used like any Go module:

import "github.com/ipfs/go-ds-flatfs"


Check the GoDoc module documentation for an overview of this module's functionality.


FlatFS keys are severely restricted. Only keys that match /[0-9A-Z+-_=]\+ are allowed. That is, keys may only contain upper-case alpha-numeric characters, '-', '+', '_', and '='. This is because values are written directly to the filesystem without encoding.

Importantly, this means namespaced keys (e.g., /FOO/BAR), are not allowed. Attempts to write to such keys will result in an error.

DiskUsage and Accuracy

This datastore implements the PersistentDatastore interface. It offers a DiskUsage() method which strives to find a balance between accuracy and performance. This implies:

This means that for certain datastores (huge ones, those with very slow disks or special content), the values reported by DiskUsage() might be reduced accuracy and the first startup (without a diskUsage.cache file present), might be slow.

If you need increased accuracy or a fast start from the first time, you can manually create or update the diskUsage.cache file.

The file diskUsage.cache is a JSON file with two fields diskUsage and accuracy. For example the JSON file for a small repo might be:


diskUsage is the calculated disk usage and accuracy is a note on the accuracy of the initial calculation. If the initial calculation was accurate the file will contain the value initial-exact. If some of the directories have too many entries and the disk usage for that directory was estimated based on the first 2000 entries, the file will contain initial-approximate. If the calculation took too long and timed out as indicated above, the file will contain initial-timed-out.

If the initial calculation timed out the JSON file might be:


To fix this with a more accurate value you could do (in the datastore root):

$ du -sb .
7536515831332    .
$ echo -n '{"diskUsage":7536515831332,"accuracy":"initial-exact"}' > diskUsage.cache


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