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ipfs glossary

standard-readme compliant

A collection of descriptions for terms related to ipfs and surrounding techs

Table of Contents


These terms are not yet defined, but have been suggested as good terms to work on. Please define them if you can!

IPLD, IPNS, IPRS, cbor, starlog, starship, solarnet, DHT (Distributed Hash Table), merkle-dag, Fuse



A set of rules describing how to communicate

Hash Function

A way of generating a unique name for a piece of data


Mutable filesystem (see also: FUSE)

Random Walk

Querying the DHT for random keys, in order to discover new peers and fill gaps in keyspace


TCP is a protocol that is used for a huge portion of web traffic. It guarantees that information arrives entirely and in order.


UDP is a protocol that does not have the same guarantees as TCP. Data sent can go missing, or arrive in the wrong order.




Merkle-dag based data structures for representing unix files, directories, and symlinks


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