

<h1 align="center"> <br> <a href="#readme"><img src="https://github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance/assets/157609/4e7ba998-c7f7-415b-bd72-eef053474865" alt="Boxo logo" title="Boxo logo" width="300"></a> <br> Gateway Conformance <br> </h1> <p align="center" style="font-size: 1.2rem;">A set of GO and HTTP tools for testing implementation compliance with https://specs.ipfs.tech</p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://ipfs.tech"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/project-IPFS-blue.svg?style=flat-square" alt="Official Part of IPFS Project"></a> <a href="https://specs.ipfs.tech"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/specs-IPFS-blue.svg?style=flat-square" alt="IPFS Specifications"></a> <a href="https://github.com/ipfs/boxo/actions"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/ipfs/boxo/go-test.yml?branch=main" alt="ci"></a> <a href="https://github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance/releases"><img alt="GitHub release" src="https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/ipfs/gateway-conformance?filter=!*rc*"></a> </p> <hr /> <!-- TOC --> <!-- /TOC -->


Gateway Conformance test suite is a set of tools for testing implementation compliance with a subset of IPFS Specifications. The test suite is implementation and language-agnostic. Point gateway conformance test at HTTP endpoint and specify which tests should run.

IPFS Shipyard uses it for ensuring specification compliance of the boxo/gateway library included in Kubo, the most popular IPFS implementation, that powers various public gateways, IPFS Desktop, and Brave.

Some scenarios in which you may find this project helpful:


The gateway-conformance can be run as a standalone binary, a Docker image, or a part of Github Action.

Some of the tests require the tested gateway to be able to resolve specific fixtures CIDs or IPNS records.

Two high level commands exist:


$ # Install the gateway-conformance binary
$ go install github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance/cmd/gateway-conformance@latest

$ # skip path gateway tests, and run subdomain-gateway tests against endpoint at and use *.ipfs.example.com subdomains, output as JSON
$ gateway-conformance test --gateway-url --subdomain-url http://example.com:8080 --json report.json --specs +subdomain-gateway,-path-gateway -- -timeout 5m

[!TIP] If want skip individual tests, or only run specific ones based on a regex, see /docs/examples.


The gateway-conformace requires golang runtime to be present to facilitate go test. If you want to run it on a box without having to instal golang runtime, prebuilt image at ghcr.io/ipfs/gateway-conformance is provided.

It can be used for both test and extract-fixtures commands:

$ # extract fixtures to ./extracted-fixtures directory under the current user's permissions
$ docker run -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" -v "$(pwd):/workspace" -w "/workspace" ghcr.io/ipfs/gateway-conformance:latest extract-fixtures --directory extracted-fixtures

$ # skip path gateway tests, and run subdomain-gateway tests against endpoint at and use *.ipfs.example.com subdomains, output as JSON
$ docker run --net=host -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" -v "$(pwd):/workspace" -w "/workspace" ghcr.io/ipfs/gateway-conformance:latest test --gateway-url --subdomain-url http://example.com:8080 --json report.json --specs +subdomain-gateway,-path-gateway -- -timeout 5m


Github Action

Common operations are possible via reusable GitHub actions:

To learn how to integrate them in the CI of your project, see real world examples in:


See test and extract-fixtures documentation at /docs/commands.md


Want to test mature specs, while disabling specific specs? Or only test a specific spec (like trustless gateway), while disabling a sub-part of it (only blocks and CARS, no IPNS)? See /docs/examples.md


The main branch may contain tests for features and IPIPs which are not yet supported by stable releases of IPFS implementations.

Due to this, implementations SHOULD test themselves against a stable release of this test suite instead.

See /releases for the list of available releases.


Want to improve the conformance test suite itself? See documentation at /docs/development.md

Test DSL Syntax

Interested in write a new test case? Test cases are written in Domain Specific Language (DLS) based on Golang. More details at /docs/test-dsl-syntax.md

Web Dashboard

Conformance test suite output can be plain text or JSON, which in turn can be represented as a web dashboard which aggregates results from many test runs and renders them on a static website.

Experimental Implementation Dashboard instance at conformance.ipfs.tech is a view that showcases some of well known and complete implementations of IPFS Gateways in the ecosystem.

Learn more at /docs/web-dashboard.md


This project is dual-licensed under Apache 2.0 and MIT terms: