

IPFS distributions

Source for building https://dist.ipfs.tech

Table of Contents


Clone the repo and use Docker via ./dockerized <cmd> wrapper.

If you don't want to run ./dockerized build, install the following dependencies via your favorite package manager:

Managing golang and nodejs versions

There is a .tool-versions file for the asdf version manager, which the Docker build environment will also use.

Running in Docker

There is a ./dockerize script, you can run it without arguments and be in a shell with the correct software installed in an Ubuntu 20.04 in a directory that is mapped to the present working directory

Note that we use host networking so you must run an IPFS daemon locally as the build process assumes a fairly long-lived ipfs node has the CIDs (we give them to the collab cluster to pin)

You can also do ./dockerized <COMAND>, for instance:

./dockerized make clean
./dockerized ./dist.sh add-version go-ipfs v0.9.0
./dockerized make publish

Note that you can't use bash in the command, so

./dockerized make clean && ./dist.sh go-ipfs add-version v0.9.0
# Does not work


./dockerized "make clean && ./dist.sh go-ipfs add-version v0.9.0"
# Does not work


Add a new version or a new distribution with ./dist.sh then let CI run make publish to update DNSLink at dist.ipfs.tech.

Adding a version


> ./dist.sh add-version <dist> <version>

This will add the version to dists/<dist>/versions, set it as the current version in dists/<dist>/current, and build it locally.


> ./dist.sh add-version fs-repo-99-to-100 v1.0.1

To produce a signed, official build for use in DNSLink at dist.ipfs.tech:

  1. Run ./dist.sh add-version locally.
  2. Commit created changes to dists/<dist> and open a PR against ipfs/distributions.
  3. Wait for Github Action to finish PR build. It runs ./dockerized build, then signs macOS binaries and spits out updated root CID at the end.
  4. If everything looks good, merge PR and wait for CI running on master to update the DNSlink at dist.ipfs.tech.

Adding a new (go) distribution


> ./dist.sh new-go-dist <dist> <git-repo> [sub_package]

And follow the prompts.

The optional sub_package argument is used to specify a module within a repo. The script looks to see if the subpackage is tagged separately from the repo by looking for sub_package/version tags. Example:

> ./dist.sh new-go-dist fs-repo-99-to-100 github.com/ipfs/fs-repo-migrations fs-repo-99-to-100


To produce a CID (<NEW_HASH>) that includes binaries for all versions defined in ./dists/, in the root of the repository, run:

> make publish

After the local build is done, make a quick inspection:

  1. Load the dists website in your browser to make sure everything looks right: http://localhost:8080/ipfs/<NEW_HASH>.
  2. Compare <NEW_HASH> with the current dist.ipfs.tech to make sure nothing is amiss: ipfs object diff /ipns/dist.ipfs.tech /ipfs/<NEW_HASH>


  1. Commit your changes and make a PR. Specifically, the changes to dists/<dist>/versions and dists/<dist>/current.
  2. Wait for Github Action on your PR to build signed binaries. <NEW_SIGNED_HASH> will be different than one from local build.
  3. Confirm that Github Action triggered by master branch push updated the DNSLink for dist.ipfs.tech.


The goal is to generate a file hierarchy that looks like this:

releases/index.htmllisting of all bundles available
releases/<dist>all versions of <dist>
releases/<dist>/versionstextual list of all versions of <dist>
releases/<dist>/<version>dist version
releases/<dist>/<version>/<dist>_<version>_<platform>.tar.gzarchive for <platform>
releases/<dist>/<version>/<dist>_<version>_<platform>.tar.gz.cidtext file with CID of the archive
releases/<dist>/<version>/<dist>_<version>_<platform>.tar.gz.sha512text file with SHA-512 of the archive
releases/<dist>/<version>/dist.jsonjson file describing all archives in this release.
releases/<dist>/<version>/build-infoinformation about the build and build machine
releases/<dist>/<version>/build-log-*logs from the platforms that failed to build.
releases/<dist>/<version>/resultslist of platforms successfully built


So for example, if we had <dist> go-ipfs and fs-repo-migrations, we might see a hierarchy like:

├── fs-repo-migrations
│   ├── v1.3.0
│   │   ├── build-info
│   │   ├── dist.json
│   │   ├── fs-repo-migrations_v1.3.0_darwin-386.tar.gz
│   │   ├── fs-repo-migrations_v1.3.0_darwin-amd64.tar.gz
│   │   ├── fs-repo-migrations_v1.3.0_freebsd-386.tar.gz
│   │   ├── fs-repo-migrations_v1.3.0_freebsd-amd64.tar.gz
│   │   ├── fs-repo-migrations_v1.3.0_freebsd-arm.tar.gz
│   │   ├── fs-repo-migrations_v1.3.0_linux-386.tar.gz
│   │   ├── fs-repo-migrations_v1.3.0_linux-amd64.tar.gz
│   │   ├── fs-repo-migrations_v1.3.0_linux-arm.tar.gz
│   │   ├── fs-repo-migrations_v1.3.0_windows-386.zip
│   │   ├── fs-repo-migrations_v1.3.0_windows-amd64.zip
│   │   └── results
│   └── versions
├── go-ipfs
│   ├── v0.4.9
│   │   ├── build-info
│   │   ├── build-log-freebsd-386
│   │   ├── build-log-freebsd-arm
│   │   ├── dist.json
│   │   ├── go-ipfs_v0.4.9_darwin-386.tar.gz
│   │   ├── go-ipfs_v0.4.9_darwin-amd64.tar.gz
│   │   ├── go-ipfs_v0.4.9_freebsd-amd64.tar.gz
│   │   ├── go-ipfs_v0.4.9_linux-386.tar.gz
│   │   ├── go-ipfs_v0.4.9_linux-amd64.tar.gz
│   │   ├── go-ipfs_v0.4.9_linux-arm.tar.gz
│   │   ├── go-ipfs_v0.4.9_windows-386.zip
│   │   ├── go-ipfs_v0.4.9_windows-amd64.zip
│   │   └── results
│   └── versions
└── index.html
85 directories, 943 files

We call this the distribution index, the listing of all distributions, their versions, and platform assets.

Notes on reproducible builds

Running ./dockerized make publish will produce binaries using the same runtime as CI. The main difference between local build and official CI one is signing step on platforms such as darwin (macOS).

Signatures are attached at the end of macOS binaries, which means *_darwin-*.tar.gz produced by CI will have additional bytes when compared with local build.


Issues and PRs welcome! Please check out the issues.

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