

This repository has been archived!

This IPFS-related repository has been archived, and all issues are therefore frozen. If you want to ask a question or open/continue a discussion related to this repo, please visit the official IPFS forums.

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IPFS Archives (archives)


Repo to coordinate archival efforts with IPFS

One of the fundamental goals of IPFS is to improve archival storage of humanity's public record. This is a critically important endeavor. In particular, our highest priority is research artifacts -- scientific publications, data repositories, wikipedia, etc.

This repo helps us organize efforts. See the efforts in the issues.

Table of Contents

Improving on the status quo of Archival

IPFS improves data storage

IPFS improves distribution

Current Projects

Current archival efforts are being coordinated via issues.

Feel free to suggest other open-access archives by opening a new issue. [However, please ensure that data is under an appropriate license (such as Creative Commons), or you have obtained proper permission, before copying it to IPFS.]

Some suggestions for possible future archival efforts can be found here.


(TODO finish README)


Captain: @flyingzumwalt

If you're interested in captaining this repo, open an issue!


Feel free to join in! Look at the existing discussions in the issues, or open an issue if you want to talk about something new. All welcome.

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