

[DEPRECATED] archive-format

car - Certified ARchives

IMPORTANT! This work has been superseded by https://github.com/ipld/specs/blob/a3c982518232b79123af2a2cf5e8642162c62524/block-layer/content-addressable-archives.md

(WIP -- quick thought dump)

A car for your data!

car is an archive format, like tar. It is designed to improve upon some deficiencies in tar as well as add fundamental improvements. The deatils of car are still being worked on, but the design space is already well scoped. car is a synthesis of good ideas. Many other archive formats introduced some of its improvements. car is different as it was introduced mainly to work with IPFS and related protocols, like IPLD. But car is useful beyond IPFS.

This is a discussion repo. That means that all of the work gets done in the issues.

Table of Contents

File System Improvements:

Fundamentally New Features:


Related Work:


Feel free to join in. All welcome.

Want to hack on IPFS?
