

A comprehensive Linux Privilege-Escalation Benchmark

This is a simple benchmark for linux privilege escalation attacks, i.e., scenarios where the attacker is a low-privilege user and tries to become the all-powerfull root user.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the only benchmark that ful-filled our requirements

Please check our paper to find more information about how this benchmark came to be, it's history, etc.

If you are using this benchmark for academic work, please help us by citing us:

      title={Got Root? A Linux Priv-Esc Benchmark}, 
      author={Andreas Happe and Jürgen Cito},

How to start in GitHub CodeSpaces

When creating your codespace, you should see:

Setting up remote connection: Building codespace...

Click "Building codespace..." to execute command '_codespaces.viewCreationLog' and watch it execute codespaces_create_and_start_containers.sh

In GitHub Codespaces, you don't need to run create_and_start_vms.sh

Feel free to run tests now...

How to start the Benchmark Suite

For easy use, we provide the create_and_start_vms.sh script which:

All images have the same credentials:


Supported Linux Priv-Escalation Vulnerabilitites

Currently we support some single-step (i.e., simple to exploit, do not need to be combined) priv-esc vulnerabilities:

ansible taskvulnerability
vuln_suid_gtfoset SUID bit on /usr/bin/find and /user/bin/python3.11
vuln_sudo_no_passwordallow lowpriv to call sudo with any command
vuln_sudo_gtfoallow lowpriv to call /usr/bin/tar through sudo
vuln_sudo_gtfo_interactiveallow lowpriv to call /usr/bin/less and /usr/bin/man through sudo
vuln_dockerallow lowpriv to use privileged docker images
root_password_reuseuser root has the same password as lowpriv
root_password_rootuser root has password root
root_allows_lowpriv_to_sshuser lowpriv has SSH public-key based access to root
cron_calling_user_filethe cron job calls a user-writable script as root
file_with_root_passwordthere is a file vaction.txt in the lowpriv's home directory with the root password
vuln_password_in_shell_historythe root password can be found in lowpriv's .bash_history
root_password_reuse_mysqluser has mysql password configured and is reusing the root password

Setup Instructions

This depends upon the following packages being installed

Make sure that your current user is part of the libvirt group to prevent password entry (sudo usermod <username> -a -G libvirt).

Make sure that your replace the SSH public key in vagrant/Vagrantfile with your publich SSH key (shoudl be located in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub).

With that you should be able to call ./create_and_start_vms.sh

How to contribute additional testcases?

We are more than happy to add new test-cases, to do this please