<img src="icon.png" align="center" width="40" height="40"> ISHPermissionKitSampleApp
This app demonstrates how to integrate and use ISHPermissionKit:
A polite and unified way of asking for permission on iOS
The sample app uses our recommended way of using open source libraries:
Use git submodules to fetch ISHPermissionKit
Integrate the ISHPermissionKit project as a subproject of the app's project
Embed and link the dynamic library target of ISHPermissionKit
Other ways of integrating ISHPermissionKit, including CocoaPods, are outlined in the framework repository's README.
To check out the sample app including the framework, you can use the following command:
git submodule update —-init —-recursive
This sample app includes all basic steps that are necessary to configure ISHPermissionKit, notably:
Provide a build configuration to enable the desired features. Please note the file name and the relative file path compared to the framework directory - both need to be exactly as demonstrated, else the configuration will not be found.
The demo app uses the same configuration file to ensure autocompletion works correctly. You must add the configuration file to your project, but it should not be part of any target.
- Provide static usage descriptions in the Info PLIST
The sample app does not enable capabilities that are required for certain features (e.g., HealthKit and Notifications) to ensure it builds for the simulator without an App ID or other configuration.
ISHPermissionKit icon designed by Jason Grube (CC BY 3.0) from the Noun Project