



This is a copy of NOAA's National Ocean Service Operational Forecast System obtained from NOAA's PMB website: https://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/codes/nwprod/ nosofs.v[VERSION] This repository contains updates needed to run using GCC/GFortran compilers.

NOAA does not maintain a publicly available source code repository.

Directory structure

├── ecf               # ecFlow workflow task scripts
├── jobs              # "JJOB" scripts; now/forecast and prep launch scripts
├── lsf               # Specific task scripts for LSF scheduler
├── modulefiles       # Environment modules
├── parm              # Used by NCO for data dissemination
├── scripts           # Main launch scripts
├── sorc              # Model source code and some 3rd party libraries
│   ├── FVCOM.fd
│   ├── ROMS.fd
│   ├── SELFE.fd
│   └── nos_*.fd      # Programs for preparing forcing data
├── ush               # Scripts containing the core logic
└── README.md

Getting Started


RPMS of the above can be found in the following archives:



Updated RPMs: (NetCDF5, HDF5-IMPI, WGRIB2, Produtil):





If not using the RPMS above, other distributions can be found at the following:

Required for prep steps:

Required to run:

Fixed field files are also needed:

Download fixed field files and place them in the 'fix' directory. 
├── fix
    ├── shared
    ├── cbofs | ngofs | etc.

Fixed fields can be obtained from NOAA's PMB website: https://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/codes/nwprod nosofs.v[VERSION]

Some are also available at https://ioos-cloud-sandbox.s3.amazonaws.com/public/nosofs/fix.


To build:

cd sorc

(SELFE is untested)

Running the tests

CBOFS example:


mkdir -p /com/nos
cd /com/nos
wget https://ioos-cloud-sandbox.s3.amazonaws.com/public/cbofs/ICs.cbofs.2019100100.tgz
tar -xvf ICs.cbofs.2019100100.tgz
vi ./cbofs.20191001/nos.cbofs.forecast.20191001.t00z.in
cd /save/nosofs-NCO/jobs
vi ./fcstrun.sh
./fcstrun.sh 20191001 00

Running the model


Example CBOFS:

cd ./jobs
./getICs.sh 20191204 00

Tested Platforms

Intel X86-64
    GCC 6.5.0
    IntelMPI 2018,2019,2020
    OpenMPI 3,4
    MPICH 2,3,4
        CentOS7 - AWS EC2 and Docker
        RHEL7   - AWS EC2
        AmazonLinux - AWS EC2



FVCOM based models will abort with little or no information when encountering a problem in the namelist

The output log file will only show the "FVCOM" text graphics header. Solution: Run the model with a single core so the error is output to the log. Then make the required fix to the namelist file or template.

FVCOM based models hang when using HyperThreads on EC2 instances.

Solution: Either disable HyperThreads or use non-default mpirun bindings.

Example on 48core/96vcpu machine with 2 24 core numa regions:

mpirun -bind-to numa:2 -map-by C

Depending on the specific system architecture, the bindings needed may be different than the above.

NGOFS crashes when using the namelist input file nos. ... .in from NOAA's NOMADS server.

Example: ngofs.20191206/nos.ngofs.forecast.20191206.t03z.in

Solution: Two changes are required.

  1. Change the following line: NC_SUBDOMAIN_FILES = FVCOM, to: NC_SUBDOMAIN_FILES = 'FVCOM', (string value must be in quotes)

FIXED: FVCOM crashes when NCNEST_ON = T

Reason: Some compilers (Intel Fortran e.g.) seem to nullify pointers when they are declared. GFortran does not. Note: Per the Fortran spec, associated status is undefined until allocated or explicitly assigned.

Solution: in sorc/FVCOM.fd/FVCOM_source/mod_nesting.F in SUBROUTINE DUMP_NCNEST_FILE add NULLIFY(TEMP1) after the variable declarations and re-build. This is the proper way to declare and initialize pointer variables.

Fixed in:


FIXED: FVCOM crashes when NESTING_ON = T

This is the same issue as above.

Solution: In derived type definitions, pointer varialbes should be declared with => null()

Fixed in:


NGOFS and likely any FVCOM model outputs a lot of NaNs when using the -march=skylake-avx512 build flag

Solution: Don't use that flag or test using a subset of the avx flags.


Various - multiple components are contained herein.

Additional Links

ecFlow : https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/ECFLOW/ecflow+home

NOMADS : https://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/nos/prod/