

Create Capacitor Plugin

Generate a new Capacitor plugin.


npm init @capacitor/plugin [<path>] [options]

:memo: npm init <pkg> requires npm 6+

You can also try the following methods to use this package:

Example Apps

As of the 0.8.0 release, example apps for testing are included when initializing a new plugin. To use these templates, you can open the npx cap open android or npx cap open ios command for Android and iOS respectively. Anything in the example folder will be excluded when publishing to npm.


--name <name> ............. npm package name (e.g. "capacitor-plugin-example")
--package-id <id> ......... Unique plugin ID in reverse-DNS notation (e.g. "com.mycompany.plugins.example")
--class-name <name> ....... Plugin class name (e.g. "Example")
--repo <url> .............. URL to git repository (e.g. "https://github.com/example/repo")
--author <author> ......... Author name and email (e.g. "Name <name@example.com>")
--license <id> ............ SPDX License ID (e.g. "MIT")
--description <text> ...... Short description of plugin features