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Netkit hopes to serve as a versatile network development kit, providing tools commonly used in network programming. Netkit should be out of the box, stable and secure. Netkit contains a number of commonly used network programming tools, such as TCP, UDP, TLS, HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket and related utilities.

Netkit is not intended to be a high-level productivity development tool, but rather a reliable and efficient network infrastructure. Netkit consists of several submodules, each of which provides some network tools.

Now, Netkit is under active development.

A new IO engine, inspired by Netty, which has a (selector) loop pool in multi-thread non-blocking mode, is being developed in devel branch. Indeed, we are no longer satisfied with the IO engine in standard library.

Run Test

There is a script that automatically runs tests. Check config.nims for details. $ nim test -d:modules=<file_name> tests the specified file, for example, $ nim test -d:modules=tbuffer tests the file tests/tbuffer.nim. $ nimble test tests all test files in the tests directory.

Make Documentation

There is a script that automatically generate documentation. Check config.nims for details. $ nim docs -d:lang=en generates documentation for the source code, an English version. $ nimble docs -d:lang=zh generates a Chinese version of the documentation. $ nim docs generates both English version and Chinese version for the documentation.

The code comments are written in English. The Chinese version of these comments is placed in ${projectDir}/doc/zh/code.


Contributing to Netkit

A little demonstration

Streaming all your IO!

var server: AsyncHttpServer

proc serve() {.async.} = 
  server = newAsyncHttpServer()

  server.onRequest = proc (req: ServerRequest, res: ServerResponse) {.async.} =
      var data = ""

      let r1 = req.read()
      let r2 = req.read()
      let r3 = req.read()
      let r4 = req.read()

      let s4 = await r4
      let s3 = await r3
      let s1 = await r1
      let s2 = await r2

        # thttp_server.nim.cfg should include:
        #   --define:BufferSize=16
        s1.len == 16
        s2.len == 16
        s3.len == 16
        s4.len == 16

        s1 == "foobar01foobar02"
        s2 == "foobar03foobar04"
        s3 == "foobar05foobar06"
        s4 == "foobar07foobar08"

      await res.write(Http200, {
        "Content-Length": $data.len
      var i = 0
      while i < data.len:
        await res.write(data[i..min(i+7, data.len-1)])
    except ReadAbortedError:
      echo "Got ReadAbortedError: ", getCurrentExceptionMsg()
    except WriteAbortedError:
      echo "Got WriteAbortedError: ", getCurrentExceptionMsg()
    except Exception:
      echo "Got Exception: ", getCurrentExceptionMsg()

  await server.serve(Port(8001), "")

proc request() {.async.} = 
  let client = await asyncnet.dial("", Port(8001))
  await client.send("""
GET /iocrate/netkit HTTP/1.1
Host: iocrate.com
Content-Length: 64

  let statusLine = await client.recvLine()
  let contentLenLine = await client.recvLine()
  let crlfLine = await client.recvLine()
  let body = await client.recv(64)
    statusLine == "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
    contentLenLine == "content-length: 64"
    crlfLine == "\r\L"
    body == "foobar01foobar02foobar03foobar04foobar05foobar06foobar07foobar08"

asyncCheck serve()
waitFor sleepAsync(10)
waitFor request()