

CryptoSearch Project

CryptoSearch represents a comprehensive suite of Maltego transforms tailored for in-depth cryptocurrency analysis. Utilizing the powerful APIs from Ales Janda's WalletExplorer.Com Clustering and Arkham Intelligence Platforms Labeling, CryptoSearch facilitates extensive examination and tracking of Bitcoin blockchain activity. Seamlessly integrated into the Maltego application, CryptoSearch enhances the ability to visualize complex data, perform deep link analysis, and generate detailed investigative reports, making it an invaluable tool for uncovering insights and tracking illicit activities on the blockchain.

Key Features



To implement CryptoSearch, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain API Keys:

    • Get an API key from WalletExplorer.
    • Obtain another API key from Arkham Intelligence.
    • Copy and paste these API keys into config.json and place it in your project_name/.
  2. Local Installation Steps:

  1. Append Custom Entities in maltego-trx entities.py:

    • Execute the following command to append the new custom entities in the entities.py file of the maltego-trx micromodule.

      while read -r line; do echo "$line" >> $(pip3 show maltego-trx | grep Location | awk '{print $2}')/maltego_trx/entities.py; done << project_name/enities.txt

      or copy paste the context of entities.txt into entities.py of maltego_trx python module.

  2. Configure Maltego:

    • Open Maltego, go to the Entities tab, and select Import Entities.
    • Locate and import entities_icons.mtz.
    • Navigate to the Transforms tab and manually add each transform:
      • Example for transform ToAddressesOfCluster.py:
        • Display Name: To Addresses Of Cluster (or custom name)
        • Description: Provide a brief description
        • TransformID: maltego.(custom-id)
        • InputEntityType: BitcoinAddress
        • Command: Path to your Python3 executable (which python3)
        • Parameters: Select project_path/project.py and then append local toaddressesofcluster
        • Working directory: Select your project directory
        • Finish
  3. Setting up TDS/ITDS:

  4. Transform Description

Screenshots screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Ales Janda, creator of WalletExplorer, as well as the Arkham Intelligence group for their valuable contributions and APIs.

CryptoSearch is an indispensable tool for professionals in cybersecurity, finance, and law enforcement, providing the tools necessary for in-depth blockchain analysis and reporting.