

Radio4000 API

This is the documentation and public API to Radio4000.com. The Radio4000 API consists of several parts: a Firebase database as well as a node.js API.

Disclaimer: we welcome anyone to use the available data, and to help improve the ecosystem. Only use this API in ways that respect users' privacy, does not harm the systems or steps out legality.

In this repository you can find:

Firebase API

Thanks to Firebase, the Radio4000 data can be accessed with classic REST as well as realtime through the Firebase SDK. The Firebase documentation explains how you can access data for various platforms: Web, Android, iOS, C++, Unity. This API supports GET HTTP methods. There is no versioning for this API as we have to follow and replicate any changes made at the Firebase level. Note that Firebase stores arrays as objects where the key of each object is the id of the model.

Rules & authentication

The Firebase security rules can be found in database.rules.json. This is the most precise definition of what can and should be done with the API. Most endpoints can be read without authentication. Reading a user, a userSettings or writing to (some) models always require authentication. For now, think of the API as read-only.

To deploy the rules see deployment.


Here's a list of available REST endpoints. They are all available via normal GET HTTP requests.

List of endpoints at https://radio4000.firebaseio.com.

For realtime database access, you should refer to the Firebase SDK available for your platform.

https://radio4000.firebaseio.com/users/{id}.jsonAll users
https://radio4000.firebaseio.com/userSettings/{id}.jsonSingle user setting
https://radio4000.firebaseio.com/channels.jsonAll channels
https://radio4000.firebaseio.com/channels/{id}.jsonSingle channels
https://radio4000.firebaseio.com/channelPublics/{id}.jsonAll channel publics
https://radio4000.firebaseio.com/tracks.jsonAll tracks from all channels
https://radio4000.firebaseio.com/tracks/{id}.jsonSingle track

You can see some example usage here https://github.com/internet4000/radio4000-player/blob/master/src/utils/store.js

List of endpoints at https://api.radio4000.com.

These come from the node.js app in this repo.

https://api.radio4000.com/embed?slug={channelSlug}Returns an HTML embed with the radio4000-player
https://api.radio4000.com/oembed?slug={channelSlug}Returns a JSON object following the oEmbed spec for a Radio4000 channel. With this, we can add a meta tag to each channel to get rich previews when the link is shared.
https://api.radio4000.com/backup?slug={channelSlug}Returns a full JSON export of a channel

The /embed endpoint is meant to be used as the src of our <iframe> embeds. To get the HTML for the iframe embed, visit the /oembed endpoint and see the html property.

Here's an example of how to use the oembed:

<link rel="alternate" type="application/json+oembed" href="https://api.radio4000.com/oembed?slug=200ok" title="200ok">


Listed below are all available models and their properties. Also see this folder https://github.com/internet4000/radio4000/tree/master/app/models.


Requires authentication to read and write.

channelshasManylist of radio channels belonging to a user. We only allow one, for now. Example: {"-KYJykyCl6nIJi6YIuBO": true}
createdintegertimestamp from when the user was created. Example: 1481041965335
settingsbelongsTorelationship to a userSetting model. Example: -KYJyixLTbITr103hovZ


Requires authentication to read and write.

userbelongsToRelationship to a single user model. Example: "fAE1TRvTctbK4bEra3GnQdBFcqj2"


Requires authentication to write.

bodystringdescription of the radio channel. Example: "The channel of your wet dreams..."
channelPublicbelongsTorelationship to a channelPublic. Example: "-JoJm13j3aGTWCT_Zbir"
createdintegertimestamp describing when was this radio channel created. Example: "1411213745028"
favoriteChannelshasManylist of channels this radio has added as favorite. Example: "-JXHtCxC9Ew-Ilck6iZ8": true
imagestringthe id for the cloudinary image model. Example: "image": "drz0qs9lgscyfdztr17t". See Image section for more info
isFeaturedbooleanwhether this channel is featured on Radio4000's homepage. Example: false
linkstringCustom URL describing the external homepage for a radio channel. Example: "https://example.com"
slugstringthe unique URL representing this channel. Used for human readable urls radio4000.com/pirate-radio). Example: "pirate-radio"
titlestringtitle representing a radio channel. Example: "Radio Oskar"
trackshasManylist of track models. Example: {"-J_GkkhzfbefhHMqV5qi": true, ...}
updatedintegertimestamp when the radio was last updated. Example: 1498137205047


channelPublic is a model always associated to a channel model. It is used so any authenticated user can associate data to a channel, when a channel can only be written by its owner. For exemple, adding a radio as follower will be done on the channelPublic model.

channelbelongsTorelationship to a channel model. Example: "-JYEosmvT82Ju0vcSHVP"
followershasManylist of channel models following this radio. Example: {"-JXHtCxC9Ew-Ilck6iZ8": true, ...}


bodystringoptional description to the track. Example: "Post-Punk from USA (NY)"
channelbelongsTorelationship to channel model
createdintegerdate timestamp from when the model is created
titlestringrequired title of the track. Example: "Lydia Lunch - This Side of Nowhere (1982)"
urlstringthe URL pointing to the provider serving the track media (YouTube only). Example: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R5bETC_wvA"
ytidstringprovider id of a track media (YouTube only). Example: "5R5bETC_wvA"
mediaNotAvailablebooleanis the current track media available, accessible to be consumed
discogsUrlstringthe URL pointing to the Discogs release (or master) corresponding to this track media. Example: "https://www.discogs.com/Nu-Guinea-Nuova-Napoli/master/1334042"


For simplicity and focus of usages, a radio can only have one image.
In attent of a better solution, images are hosted at Cloudinary.

let width = 500,
height = 500,
quality = 100,
id = 'drz0qs9lgscyfdztr17t';

let base = `https://res.cloudinary.com/radio4000/image/upload/w_${width},h_${height},c_thumb,q_${quality}`;
let image = `${base},fl_awebp/${id}.webp`;

The whole API is described in details on the Cloudinary documentation.

You can check how Radio4000 uses it.

Node.js API

In addition to the Firebase API, this repository contains a node.js API in the src folder. This is what runs at https://api.radio4000.com. It is configured as a Firebase function. Remember to review the .firebaserc and firebase.json files.

To install, you'll need node.js (installed with nvm) and git. Then run:

git clone git@github.com:internet4000/radio4000-api.git
cd radio4000-api
nvm install 10.0.0 // install node 10
nvm use 10.0.0 // use node 10
yarn // install npm dependencies with yarn
yarn login // login firebase
yarn start // start the server
open http://localhost:4001

You can test it using yarn test which runs ava on the test folder.

yarn functions-shell // interactively call your firebase functions in a shell


The master branch will automatically deploy to staging. And production branch to production.

Also see the .travis.yml file.

To deploy manually, do this:

  1. yarn global add firebase-tools
  2. firebase login

Deploying to staging

  1. yarn deploy-rules && yarn deploy-api
  2. Visit https://us-central1-radio4000-staging.cloudfunctions.net/api/

Deploying to production

  1. yarn deploy-rules-production && yarn deploy-api-production
  2. Visit https://api.radio4000.com/

Frequently and not-frequently asked questions (FAQNFAQ)

Why Firebase? Firebase allowed this project to come to life without having the need to spend time building and maintaining backend software. It also allows us to be more secure we think we could be on our own, handling the storage and protection of user's sensitive data. In a perfect world we would like to have a backend that we fully control, running only free and open source softwares. The future will be great.

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