

Web Monetization Scripts

Client-side scripts to Web Monetize sites



Sometimes you want to show/hide your content based on whether the viewer is Web-Monetized. These scripts provide a really simple way to do that on the client side.

The idea is that everyone should be able to do this on their site/blog!

Keep in mind that all of your html is still sent to the client, so a tricky user could bypass this without actually having Web Monetization! In the future, there will be better support for secure Web Monetized content.

These conditional scripts will work anywhere that HTML with script tags can be used!

If you're using react for your site, it is highly recommended that you use React Web Monetization instead.

Including the Script

For all of these snippets, make sure you have included the Web Monetization <meta> tag in your page.

Show an Element if the User is Web Monetized

Put this code where you want your element to appear. It will be invisible (visibility: hidden) until Web Monetization starts. It will never appear is Web Monetization is not enabled.

It's important to keep the <div> wrapped around the code in exactly the way it's done below (including style)! The <script> MUST be the first thing inside of the div for this to work. Everything after the <script> inside of the <div> is displayed conditionally.

<div style="display:none;">
  <script src="https://cdn.coil.com/if-monetized.js"></script>
  <!-- you can put whatever code you want after the script tag -->
  <p>Monetization is enabled!</p>

Show an Element if the User is Not Web Monetized

Put this code where you want your element to appear. If the browser does not support Web Monetization, it will appear immediately. If the browser supports Web Monetization but is not paying, it will appear after a couple of seconds.

It's important to keep the <div> wrapped around the code in exactly the way it's done below (including style)! The <script> MUST be the first thing inside of the div for this to work. Everything after the <script> inside of the <div> is displayed conditionally.

  <div style="display:none;">
    <script src="https://cdn.coil.com/if-not-monetized.js"></script>
    <!-- you can put whatever code you want after the script tag -->
    <p>Monetization is not enabled!</p>

Show Many Elements Depending on Monetization

The scripts above can be inefficient if you have a lot of elements that depend on monetization. In the situation where you want to show/hide lots of elements, you can use the monetized-classes script.

Put the following code in the <head> of your page.

  <script defer src="cdn.coil.com/monetized-classes.js"></script>
  <style id="wm-stylesheet">
    .wm-if-monetized { display: none; }
    .wm-if-not-monetized { display: none; }

Now, wherever you want to use Web Monetization conditionals you can just use the wm-if-monetized and wm-if-not-monetized classes.


  <p class="wm-if-monetized">Monetization is enabled!</p>
  <p class="wm-if-not-monetized">Monetization is not enabled!</p>



Shows a counter of how much has been donated to the page. This is compatible with the new <meta> tag based version of Web Monetization.

Including the Script

Make sure you have included the Web Monetization <meta> tag in your page. Pasting the following code into your page will add a counter to the bottom left of the page:

<script src="https://cdn.coil.com/counter.js"></script>


This will hook into the existing web monetization events, so there are no parameters required.




Return Value




This script has been deprecated, because it uses the old polyfill-based version of Web Monetization. If you want to send money to a payment pointer, you can use the new <meta> tag flow described here

The donate script is used for a page that's supported through donations in the background. It shows the user a coil logo when payment is being sent, and if the Interledger connection drops it will re-establish it.

This is useful for Web Monetizing static sites (i.e. replacing advertising). For cases where you want to replace a paywall, you'll want something that can securely detect when payment occurs (scripts for that use case will be added soon).

Including the Script

<script src="https://cdn.coil.com/donate.js"></script>

The script also exists at https://interledgerjs.github.io/web-monetization-scripts/dist/donate.js, or can be built locally and served from your site.


Example of usage at examples/donate.html, source code at src/donate.js.

  paymentPointer: '$twitter.xrptipbot.com/sharafian_',
  noRetry: false,
  noWidget: false,
  addCoilAdvert: true


Return Value