


Simple shortcut utility for Unity

Currently the project is DISCONTINUED. However, feel free to fork it and continue its development!

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  1. <a href="#introduction">Introduction</a>
  2. <a href="#features">Features</a>
  3. <a href="#quick-start">Quick start</a>
  4. <a href="#notes">Notes</a>
  5. <a href="#changelog">Changelog</a>
  6. <a href="#support">Support</a>
  7. <a href="#license">License</a>

<a id="introduction"></a>Introduction

Shortcuter is an easy to use simple shortcut utility for Unity.

It features a dockable window which can be configured with shortcuts to most frequently used scenes and project objects.

Compatible with Unity 5 and 4.

<a id="features"></a>Features

<a id="quick-start"></a>Quick start

1. Open Shortcuter by going to Window/Shortcuter or by using the keyboard shortcut (CTRL + ALT + S on Windows and CMD + OPTION + S on Mac).


2. When opening the Shortcuter window for the first time, no shortcuts are available. Click on Edit shortcuts to bring the shortcuts editor.


Hint: at any moment, you can also open the shortcuts editor by accessing the Shortcuter window context menu.


3. From the shortcuts editor, you can add as many shortcuts as you want based on types available on your project and also configure the quantity and title of the columns displayed on the Shortcuter window.



4. After selecting your most frequently used shortcuts, they'll be available on the Shortcuter window!


<a id="notes"></a>Notes

  1. The shortcuts data is stored at Editor Default Resources/Shortcuts.asset.
  2. Custom objects should inherit from UnityEngine.ScriptableObject in order to be available on the type selection popup.

<a id="changelog"></a>Changelog

Please see CHANGELOG.txt.

<a id="support"></a>Support

Found a bug? Please create an issue on the GitHub project page or send a pull request if you have a fix or extension.

You can also send me a message at support@intentor.com.br to discuss more obscure matters about Shortcuter.

<a id="license"></a>License

Licensed under the The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.