

Holistic Adversarially Robust Pruning

Neural networks can be drastically shrunk in size by removing redundant parameters. While crucial for the deployment on resource-constraint hardware, oftentimes, compression comes with a severe drop in accuracy and lack of adversarial robustness. Despite recent advances, counteracting both aspects has only succeeded for moderate compression rates so far. We propose a novel method, HARP, that copes with aggressive pruning significantly better than prior work. For this, we consider the network holistically. We learn a global compression strategy that optimizes how many parameters (compression rate) and which parameters (scoring connections) to prune specific to each layer individually. Our method fine-tunes an existing model with dynamic regularization, that follows a step-wise incremental function balancing the different objectives. It starts by favoring robustness before shifting focus on reaching the target compression rate and only then handles the objectives equally. The learned compression strategies allow us to maintain the pre-trained model’s natural accuracy and its adversarial robustness for a reduction by 99% of the network’s original size. Moreover, we observe a crucial influence of non-uniform compression across layers.

For further details please consult the conference publication.

The figure below shows an overview of pruning weights of a VGG16 model for CIFAR-10 (left) and SVHN (right) with PGD-10 adversarial training. Solid lines show the natural accuracy. Dashed lines represent the robustness against AUTOATTACK.

<img src="https://intellisec.de/research/harp/overview.svg" width="1000" /><br />


A detailed description of our work will be presented at ICLR in May 2023. If you would like to cite our work, please use the reference as provided below:

author    = {Qi Zhao and Christian Wressnegger},
booktitle = {Proc. of the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},
title     = {Holistic Adversarially Robust Pruning},
year      = {2023},
month     = may,

A preprint of the paper is available here.



Our work is accomplished by Generic badge with CUDA 11.1. Following commands help to obtained the needed environment via conda and pip. Other Pytorch versions are found here.

conda create -n harp python=3.8
conda activate harp
pip install numpy pyyaml scikit-learn
pip install torch==1.8.0+cu111 torchvision==0.9.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.8.0 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
pip install torchattacks torchvision

Adversarial pre-training

We use 100 epochs in adversarial pre-training for small-scale datasets. Run following to do PGD-AT(Madry et al.) on VGG16 model on CIFAR-10.

python train.py --arch 'vgg16_bn' --dataset 'CIFAR10' --exp-mode 'pretrain' --adv_loss 'pgd' --epochs 100

Pruning strategy training

In pruning stage, we have three different modes i.e. score-prune, rate-prune and harp-prune, which refers to training mask scores only, layer pruning rates only and both concurrently. For small-scale datasets, we use 20 epochs in the pruning stage. To prune e.g. a VGG16 with PGD-AT by HARP, we need to set the pruning granularity prune_reg, the target compression rate k, the incremental regularization factor for hw-loss gamma and the initial strategy stg_id.

python train.py --arch 'vgg16_bn' --dataset 'CIFAR10' --exp-mode 'harp_prune' --k 0.01 --prune_reg 'weight' --stg_id '010_uni' --adv_loss 'pgd' --gamma 0.01 --epochs 20

Fine-tuning model weights

After HARP's pruning, we change to fine-tuning mode by selecting correspondingly from score-finetune, rata-finetune and harp-finetune. In addition, the same adversarial loss adv_loss, target rate k, pruning granularity prune_reg and initial strategy ID stg_id (here only for finding directory) require to be defined as in the pruning stage.

python train.py --arch 'vgg16_bn' --dataset 'CIFAR10' --exp-mode 'harp_finetune' --k 0.01 --prune_reg 'weight' --stg_id '010_uni' --adv_loss 'pgd' --epochs 100

Evaluate pruned model

Script test.py helps to evaluate on the robustness against different adversarial attacks for fine-tuned sparse models. Run following to implement the evaluation on VGG16 for CIFAR10.

python test.py --arch 'vgg16_bn' --dataset 'CIFAR10' --exp-mode 'harp_finetune' --k 0.01 --prune_reg 'weight' --stg_id '010_uni'

Experiment with ResNet50 on ImageNet

Experiments of ImageNet are conducted on ResNet50 with the same setting as in Free-AT(Shafahi et al.). Following commands help to accomplish a HARP weight pruning on ImageNet. Note that data normalization is required to match the setting of the inherited pre-trained model directly from Free-AT.

python train.py --arch 'ResNet50' --dataset 'imagenet' --normalize --exp-mode 'harp_prune' --k 0.01 --prune_reg 'weight' --stg_id '010_uni' --trainer 'freeadv' --gamma 0.1 --epochs 5
python train.py --arch 'ResNet50' --dataset 'imagenet' --normalize --exp-mode 'harp_finetune' --k 0.01 --prune_reg 'weight' --stg_id '010_uni' --trainer 'freeadv' --epochs 25
python test.py --arch 'ResNet50' --dataset 'imagenet' --normalize --exp-mode 'harp_finetune' --k 0.01 --prune_reg 'weight' --stg_id '010_uni' --trainer 'freeadv'

Implementation of non-uniform related work

In addition, repositories hydra-nonuniform and radmm-nonuniform provide the code to run Hydra and Robust-ADMM with non-uniform strategies.