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中文文档入口: https://github.com/intel/ros_openvino_toolkit/tree/dev-ov2021.4/doc/ZH-CN


The OpenVINO™ (Open visual inference and neural network optimization) toolkit provides a ROS-adaptered runtime framework of neural network which quickly deploys applications and solutions for vision inference. By leveraging Intel® OpenVINO™ toolkit and corresponding libraries, this runtime framework extends workloads across Intel® hardware (including accelerators) and maximizes performance.

Design Architecture

From the view of hirarchical architecture design, the package is divided into different functional components, as shown in below picture.


Logic Flow

From the view of logic implementation, the package introduces the definitions of parameter manager, pipeline and pipeline manager. The below picture depicts how these entities co-work together when the corresponding program is launched.


Once a corresponding program is launched with a specified .yaml config file passed in the .launch file or via commandline, parameter manager analyzes the configurations about pipeline and the whole framework, then shares the parsed configuration information with pipeline procedure. A pipeline instance is created by following the configuration info and is added into pipeline manager for lifecycle control and inference action triggering.

The contents in .yaml config file should be well structured and follow the supported rules and entity names. Please see the configuration guidance for how to create or edit the config files.

Pipeline fulfills the whole data handling process: initiliazing Input Component for image data gathering and formating; building up the structured inference network and passing the formatted data through the inference network; transfering the inference results and handling output, etc.

Pipeline manager manages all the created pipelines according to the inference requests or external demands (say, system exception, resource limitation, or end user's operation). Because of co-working with resource management and being aware of the whole framework, it covers the ability of performance optimization by sharing system resource between pipelines and reducing the burden of data copy.

Supported Features

Diversal Input Components

Currently, the package support several kinds of input resources of gaining image data:

Input ResourceDescription
StandardCameraAny RGB camera with USB port supporting. Currently only the first USB camera if many are connected.
RealSenseCameraIntel RealSense RGB-D Camera, directly calling RealSense Camera via librealsense plugin of openCV.
Image Topicany ROS topic which is structured in image message.
Image FileAny image file which can be parsed by openCV, such as .png, .jpeg.
Video FileAny video file which can be parsed by openCV.

Inference Implementations

Currently, the inference feature list is supported:

Face DetectionObject Detection task applied to face recognition using a sequence of neural networks.
Emotion RecognitionEmotion recognition based on detected face image.
Age & Gender RecognitionAge and gener recognition based on detected face image.
Head Pose EstimationHead pose estimation based on detected face image.
Object Detectionobject detection based on SSD-based trained models.
Vehicle DetectionVehicle and passenger detection based on Intel models.
Object Segmentationobject detection and segmentation.
Person ReidentificationPerson Reidentification based on object detection.

ROS interfaces and outputs


Subscribed Topic

Published Topic




RViz dispaly is also supported by the composited topic of original image frame with inference result. To show in RViz tool, add an image marker with the composited topic: /ros_openvino_toolkit/image_rviz(sensor_msgs::Image)

Image Window

OpenCV based image window is natively supported by the package. To enable window, Image Window output should be added into the output choices in .yaml config file. see the config file guidance for checking/adding this feature in your launching.

Demo Result Snapshots

See below pictures for the demo result snapshots.

Installation & Launching

NOTE: Intel releases 2 different series of OpenVINO Toolkit, we call them as OpenSource Version and Tarball Version. This guidelie uses OpenSource Version as the installation and launching example. If you want to use Tarball version, please follow the guide for Tarball Version.

Dependencies Installation

One-step installation scripts are provided for the dependencies' installation. Please see the guide for details.


TODO Features

More Information