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ROS2 Grasp Library

A ROS2 intelligent visual grasp solution for advanced industrial usages, with OpenVINO™ grasp detection and MoveIt Grasp Planning.


ROS2 Grasp Library enables state-of-the-art CNN based deep learning grasp detection algorithms on ROS2 for intelligent visual grasp in industrial robot usage scenarios. This package provides ROS2 interfaces compliant with the open source MoveIt motion planning framework supported by most of the robot models in ROS industrial. This package delivers

Grasp Detection Algorithms

Grasp detection back-end algorithms enabled by this ROS2 Grasp Library:


Refer to ROS2 Grasp Library Tutorials for how to

Example Applications

Random Picking (OpenVINO Grasp Detection)

<img src="grasp_tutorials/_static/images/random_pick.png" width = 50% height = 50% alt="Random Pick with OpenVINO Grasp Detection - Link to Youtube video demo" align=center>

Recognition Picking (OpenVINO Grasp Detection + OpenVINO Mask-rcnn Object Segmentation)

<img src="grasp_tutorials/_static/images/recognize_pick.png" width = 50% height = 50% alt="Recognition Pick with OpenVINO Grasp Detection - Link to Youtube video demo" align=center>

Known Issues

Contribute to This Project

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Any security issue should be reported using process at https://01.org/security