

<div align="center">

Intel® Extension for TensorFlow*

Python PyPI version version license

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Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* is a heterogeneous, high performance deep learning extension plugin based on TensorFlow PluggableDevice interface, aiming to bring Intel CPU or GPU devices into TensorFlow open source community for AI workload acceleration. It allows users to flexibly plug an XPU into TensorFlow on-demand, exposing the computing power inside Intel's hardware.

This diagram provides a summary of the TensorFlow* PyPI package ecosystem.

<div align=center> <img src="docs/guide/images/pip_pkg_deps.png"> </div>


Hardware Requirement

Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* provides Intel XPU and Intel CPU support.

Software Requirement

Intel GPU driverYInstall Intel GPU driver
Intel® oneAPI Base ToolkitYInstall Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit
TensorFlowYYInstall TensorFlow 2.15.0

Installation Channel:

Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* can be installed through the following channels:

Compatibility Table

Intel® Extension for TensorFlow*Stock TensorFlow
Not support2.17
latest build from source2.16
v2.15.0.0 & v2.
v2.14.0.1 & v2.
v1.1.02.10 & 2.11

Install for XPU

pip install --upgrade intel-extension-for-tensorflow[xpu]

Environment check instructions for XPU:

pip install wget
export path_to_site_packages=`python -c "import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0])"`
python ${path_to_site_packages}/intel_extension_for_tensorflow/tools/python/env_check.py
pip install wget
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/intel/intel-extension-for-tensorflow/main/tools/python/env_check.py
python env_check.py

Refer to XPU installation for details.

Install for CPU

pip install --upgrade intel-extension-for-tensorflow[cpu]

Sanity check instructions:

python -c "import intel_extension_for_tensorflow as itex; print(itex.__version__)"

Install for weekly binaries

Install for XPU weekly

pip install --upgrade intel-extension-for-tensorflow-weekly[xpu] -f https://developer.intel.com/itex-whl-weekly

Environment check instructions for GPU weekly:

pip install wget
export path_to_site_packages=`python -c "import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0])"`
python ${path_to_site_packages}/intel_extension_for_tensorflow/tools/python/env_check.py
pip install wget
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/intel/intel-extension-for-tensorflow/main/tools/python/env_check.py
python env_check.py

Install for CPU weekly

pip install --upgrade intel-extension-for-tensorflow-weekly[cpu] -f https://developer.intel.com/itex-whl-weekly

Sanity check instructions:

python -c "import intel_extension_for_tensorflow as itex; print(itex.__version__)"


Visit the online document website, and then get started with a tour of Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* examples.


We welcome community contributions to Intel® Extension for TensorFlow*.

This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant. Please see contribution guidelines for additional details.



Submit your questions, feature requests, and bug reports on the GitHub issues page.


See Intel's Security Center for information on how to report a potential security issue or vulnerability.

See also: Security Policy


Apache License 2.0

This distribution includes third party software governed by separate license terms. This third party software, even if included with the distribution of the Intel software, may be governed by separate license terms, including without limitation, third party license terms, other Intel software license terms, and open source software license terms. These separate license terms govern your use of the third party programs as set forth in the "THIRD-PARTY-PROGRAMS" file.