

[!IMPORTANT] bigdl-llm has now become ipex-llm, and our future development will move to the IPEX-LLM project.

<div align="center"> <p align="center"> <img src="https://llm-assets.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_images/bigdl_logo.jpg" height="140px"><br></p> </div>


BigDL seamlessly scales your data analytics & AI applications from laptop to cloud, with the following libraries:

For more information, you may read the docs.

Choosing the right BigDL library

flowchart TD;
    Feature1{{HW Secured Big Data & AI?}};
    Feature1-- No -->Feature2{{Python vs. Scala/Java?}};
    Feature1-- "Yes"  -->ReferPPML([<em><strong>PPML</strong></em>]);
    Feature2-- Python -->Feature3{{What type of application?}};
    Feature2-- Scala/Java -->ReferDLlib([<em><strong>DLlib</strong></em>]);
    Feature3-- "Large Language Model" -->ReferLLM([<em><strong>LLM</strong></em>]);
    Feature3-- "Big Data + AI (TF/PyTorch)" -->ReferOrca([<em><strong>Orca</strong></em>]);
    Feature3-- Accelerate TensorFlow / PyTorch -->ReferNano([<em><strong>Nano</strong></em>]);
    Feature3-- DL for Spark MLlib -->ReferDLlib2([<em><strong>DLlib</strong></em>]);
    Feature3-- High Level App Framework -->Feature4{{Domain?}};
    Feature4-- Time Series -->ReferChronos([<em><strong>Chronos</strong></em>]);
    Feature4-- Recommender System -->ReferFriesian([<em><strong>Friesian</strong></em>]);
    click ReferLLM "https://github.com/intel-analytics/ipex-llm"
    click ReferNano "https://github.com/intel-analytics/BigDL-2.x#nano"
    click ReferOrca "https://github.com/intel-analytics/BigDL-2.x#orca"
    click ReferDLlib "https://github.com/intel-analytics/BigDL-2.x#dllib"
    click ReferDLlib2 "https://github.com/intel-analytics/BigDL-2.x#dllib"
    click ReferChronos "https://github.com/intel-analytics/BigDL-2.x#chronos"
    click ReferFriesian "https://github.com/intel-analytics/BigDL-2.x#friesian"
    click ReferPPML "https://github.com/intel-analytics/BigDL-2.x#ppml"
    classDef ReferStyle1 fill:#5099ce,stroke:#5099ce;
    classDef Feature fill:#FFF,stroke:#08409c,stroke-width:1px;
    class ReferLLM,ReferNano,ReferOrca,ReferDLlib,ReferDLlib2,ReferChronos,ReferFriesian,ReferPPML ReferStyle1;
    class Feature1,Feature2,Feature3,Feature4,Feature5,Feature6,Feature7 Feature;


Getting Started



You can transparently accelerate your TensorFlow or PyTorch programs on your laptop or server using Nano. With minimum code changes, Nano automatically applies modern CPU optimizations (e.g., SIMD, multiprocessing, low precision, etc.) to standard TensorFlow and PyTorch code, with up-to 10x speedup.

<details><summary>Show Nano inference example</summary> <br/>

You can automatically optimize a trained PyTorch model for inference or deployment using Nano:

model = ResNet18().load_state_dict(...)
train_dataloader = ...
val_dataloader = ...
def accuracy (pred, target):

from bigdl.nano.pytorch import InferenceOptimizer
optimizer = InferenceOptimizer()
new_model, config = optimizer.get_best_model()


The output of optimizer.summary() will be something like:

 -------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------- ----------------------
|             method             |        status        | latency(ms)  |     metric value     |
 -------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------- ----------------------
|            original            |      successful      |    45.145    |        0.975         |
|              bf16              |      successful      |    27.549    |        0.975         |
|          static_int8           |      successful      |    11.339    |        0.975         |
|         jit_fp32_ipex          |      successful      |    40.618    |        0.975*        |
|  jit_fp32_ipex_channels_last   |      successful      |    19.247    |        0.975*        |
|         jit_bf16_ipex          |      successful      |    10.149    |        0.975         |
|  jit_bf16_ipex_channels_last   |      successful      |    9.782     |        0.975         |
|         openvino_fp32          |      successful      |    22.721    |        0.975*        |
|         openvino_int8          |      successful      |    5.846     |        0.962         |
|        onnxruntime_fp32        |      successful      |    20.838    |        0.975*        |
|    onnxruntime_int8_qlinear    |      successful      |    7.123     |        0.981         |
 -------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------- ----------------------
* means we assume the metric value of the traced model does not change, so we don't recompute metric value to save time.
Optimization cost 60.8s in total.
</details> <details><summary>Show Nano Training example</summary> <br/> You may easily accelerate PyTorch training (e.g., IPEX, BF16, Multi-Instance Training, etc.) using Nano:
model = ResNet18()
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(...)
train_loader = ...
val_loader = ...

from bigdl.nano.pytorch import TorchNano

# Define your training loop inside `TorchNano.train`
class Trainer(TorchNano):
	def train(self):
	# call `setup` to prepare for model, optimizer(s) and dataloader(s) for accelerated training
	model, optimizer, (train_loader, val_loader) = self.setup(model, optimizer,
  train_loader, val_loader)
    for epoch in range(num_epochs):  
      for data, target in train_loader:  
        output = model(data)  
        # replace the loss.backward() with self.backward(loss)  
        loss = loss_fuc(output, target)  

# Accelerated training (IPEX, BF16 and Multi-Instance Training)
Trainer(use_ipex=True, precision='bf16', num_processes=2).train()

See Nano user guide and tutotial for more details.


With DLlib, you can write distributed deep learning applications as standard (Scala or Python) Spark programs, using the same Spark DataFrames and ML Pipeline APIs.

<details><summary>Show DLlib Scala example</summary> <br/>

You can build distributed deep learning applications for Spark using DLlib Scala APIs in 3 simple steps:

// 1. Call `initNNContext` at the beginning of the code: 
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.dllib.NNContext
val sc = NNContext.initNNContext()

// 2. Define the deep learning model using Keras-style API in DLlib:
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.dllib.keras.layers._
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.dllib.keras.Model
val input = Input[Float](inputShape = Shape(10))  
val dense = Dense[Float](12).inputs(input)  
val output = Activation[Float]("softmax").inputs(dense)  
val model = Model(input, output)

// 3. Use `NNEstimator` to train/predict/evaluate the model using Spark DataFrame and ML pipeline APIs
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.ml.feature.MinMaxScaler
import org.apache.spark.ml.Pipeline
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.dllib.nnframes.NNEstimator
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.dllib.nn.CrossEntropyCriterion
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.dllib.optim.Adam
val spark = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
val trainDF = spark.read.parquet("train_data")
val validationDF = spark.read.parquet("val_data")
val scaler = new MinMaxScaler().setInputCol("in").setOutputCol("value")
val estimator = NNEstimator(model, CrossEntropyCriterion())  
        .setBatchSize(128).setOptimMethod(new Adam()).setMaxEpoch(5)
val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(scaler, estimator))

val pipelineModel = pipeline.fit(trainDF)  
val predictions = pipelineModel.transform(validationDF)
</details> <details><summary>Show DLlib Python example</summary> <br/>

You can build distributed deep learning applications for Spark using DLlib Python APIs in 3 simple steps:

# 1. Call `init_nncontext` at the beginning of the code:
from bigdl.dllib.nncontext import init_nncontext
sc = init_nncontext()

# 2. Define the deep learning model using Keras-style API in DLlib:
from bigdl.dllib.keras.layers import Input, Dense, Activation
from bigdl.dllib.keras.models import Model
input = Input(shape=(10,))
dense = Dense(12)(input)
output = Activation("softmax")(dense)
model = Model(input, output)

# 3. Use `NNEstimator` to train/predict/evaluate the model using Spark DataFrame and ML pipeline APIs
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.ml.feature import MinMaxScaler
from pyspark.ml import Pipeline
from bigdl.dllib.nnframes import NNEstimator
from bigdl.dllib.nn.criterion import CrossEntropyCriterion
from bigdl.dllib.optim.optimizer import Adam
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
train_df = spark.read.parquet("train_data")
validation_df = spark.read.parquet("val_data")
scaler = MinMaxScaler().setInputCol("in").setOutputCol("value")
estimator = NNEstimator(model, CrossEntropyCriterion())\
pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[scaler, estimator])

pipelineModel = pipeline.fit(train_df)
predictions = pipelineModel.transform(validation_df)

See DLlib NNFrames and Keras API user guides for more details.


The Chronos library makes it easy to build fast, accurate and scalable time series analysis applications (with AutoML).

<details><summary>Show Chronos example</summary> <br/>

You can train a time series forecaster using Chronos in 3 simple steps:

from bigdl.chronos.forecaster import TCNForecaster 
from bigdl.chronos.data.repo_dataset import get_public_dataset

# 1. Process time series data using `TSDataset`
tsdata_train, tsdata_val, tsdata_test = get_public_dataset(name='nyc_taxi')
for tsdata in [tsdata_train, tsdata_val, tsdata_test]:
    data.roll(lookback=100, horizon=1)

# 2. Create a `TCNForecaster` (automatically configured based on train_data)
forecaster = TCNForecaster.from_tsdataset(train_data)

# 3. Train the forecaster for prediction

pred = forecaster.predict(test_data)

To apply AutoML, use AutoTSEstimator instead of normal forecasters.

# Create and fit an `AutoTSEstimator`
from bigdl.chronos.autots import AutoTSEstimator
autotsest = AutoTSEstimator(model="tcn", future_seq_len=10)

tsppl = autotsest.fit(data=tsdata_train, validation_data=tsdata_val)
pred = tsppl.predict(tsdata_test)

See Chronos user guide and quick start for more details.


The Friesian library makes it easy to build end-to-end, large-scale recommedation system (including offline feature transformation and traning, near-line feature and model update, and online serving pipeline).

See Freisian readme for more details.


BigDL PPML provides a hardware (Intel SGX) protected Trusted Cluster Environment for running distributed Big Data & AI applications (in a secure fashion on private or public cloud).

See PPML user guide and tutorial for more details.

Getting Support


If you've found BigDL useful for your project, you may cite our papers as follows: